This organisation has been used to provide smoother collaboration tools for our Computer Science group projects at the Unversity of Antwerp. The organisation's name stems from a satirical question towards the listening audience during the project defenses.
The organisation contains a repository for each coding project for a theoretical course of the bachelor program.
[Fall, 2023 | Gegevensabstractie en -structuren, 1001WETGES] A first years assigment to implement a ticket system for a fictional theatre using a set of self-implemented datastructures.
[Spring, 2023 | Talen en automaten, 1001WETTAL] Group project on implementing automata from Language & Automata theory to show we master the subject of the course.
[Fall, 2024 | Machines en berekenbaarheid, 1001WETMAB] The follow up course for "Talen en automaten", we implemented theoretical concepts like grammars, automata & turing machines.
[Spring, 2024 | Compilers, 1001WETCOP] The programming assignment for the theoretical compiler course was implementing a compiler ourselves! (Sounds like "YACC"…)