This repo stores scripts and files supporting my personal website at
The website includes:
- 📜 machine learning blog with tutorials, competition solutions and project findings
- 📁 my portfolio with data science projects on different topics
- 📚 my academic publications with paper abstracts and full-text PDFs
- 🥇 my Kaggle competition solutions with links to code and write-ups
- 🗣 my public talks with links to presentation slides and talk videos
- 🧩 summary of my other achievements, including software packages and more
The website is implemeted in Jekyll with help of fastpages. The blog posts and website pages are coded in one of the three formats: html
notebooks, or md
markdown pages. The notebooks and markdown posts are converted to html
with GitHub actions, which allows publishing blog posts as Jupyter notebooks. The website includes the dark/light theme toggle, site-wide search, customly design menu pages and dynamic layout changes depending on the screen size. The repo contains all relevant files and codes required to deploy the website to GitHub pages and link it to a custom domain at
Would like to have a chat? Click here to send me an e-mail.
I am happy to connect on different social and professional platforms. Click the badges below to see my profile.