This project was developed as part of the hackathon launched through the innovatech company. It deals with subject 1 (JWT with Spring Boot). I decided to code the client with the powerful Angular framework(See the Angular ReadMe file at hackathon/src/main/webapp/). Please Watch the full demo of this app by playing the demo.mp4 file which is located in the root directory.
- Maven - Dependency Management
- JDK - Java™ Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit
- Spring Boot - Framework to ease the bootstrapping and development of new Spring Applications
- MySQL - Open-Source Relational Database Management System
- git - Free and Open-Source distributed version control system
- Angular - Modern server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments.
- Lombok - Never write another getter or equals method again, with one annotation your class has a fully featured builder, Automate your logging variables, and much more.
- Postman - API Development Environment (Testing Documentation)
- IntelliJ IDEA - IDE for Java Spring Boot Developer
- Setup spring boot and database project.
- Configure Spring Security and implement User Registration.
- Encode user password using BCrypt algorithm with spring security.
- Implement login using JWT (Token generation).
- Validate JWT on the server side and Manage(Create and Read) recruitment posts.
- Setup Angular and design pages, registration in Angular, implementing CORS in Spring.
- Implement Login in Angular.
- Create and Verify JWT using Public and Private Key (Method using signature algorithm via HS512 lost generated token when we restart spring boot server application).
- Implement Logout and Add new recruitment announce via Angular.
- Display recruitment announcements.
- Implement AuthGuard to secure the access to announce and add-announce URLs when the user is not authenticated.
- Add footer, clean the design and write the ReadMe file.
- Waiting for final result.
There are several ways to run a Spring Boot application on your local machine. One way is to execute the main
method in the com.hackathon.challenge.HackathonApplication
class from your IDE.
- Download the zip or clone the Git repository.
- Unzip the zip file (if you downloaded one)
- Open Command Prompt and Change directory (cd) to folder containing pom.xml
- Open you IDE (IntelliJ/Eclipse) . I personally use IntelliJ IDEA
- File -> Open -> Navigate to the folder where you unzipped the zip
- Select the project
- Choose the Spring Boot Application file (search for @SpringBootApplication)
- Right Click on the file and Run as Java Application
Alternatively you can use the Spring Boot Maven plugin like so:
mvn spring-boot:run
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
URL | Method | Body |
http://localhost:8080/api/auth/signup |
POST | email, username and password |
http://localhost:8080/api/auth/login |
POST | username and password |
http://localhost:8080/api/posts/all |
GET | none |
http://localhost:8080/api/posts/get/{id} |
GET | recruitment announce id for the post |
- Postman Collection - online, with code auto-generated snippets in cURL, jQuery, Ruby,Python Requests, Node, PHP and Go programming languages
- Postman Collection - offline
The project (a.k.a. project directory) has a particular directory structure. A representative project is shown below:
└── hackathon
├── src
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── java
│ │ │ └── com
│ │ │ └── hackathon
│ │ │ └── challenge
│ │ │ ├── config
│ │ │ ├── controller
│ │ │ ├── dto
│ │ │ ├── exception
│ │ │ ├── model
│ │ │ ├── repository
│ │ │ ├── security
│ │ │ └── service
│ │ ├── resources
│ │ │ ├── static
│ │ │ └── templates
│ │ └── webapp
│ │ ├── e2e
│ │ │ └── src
│ │ ├── node_modules
│ │ └── src
│ │ ├── app
│ │ │ ├── auth
│ │ │ │ ├── login
│ │ │ │ ├── register
│ │ │ │ └── register-success
│ │ │ ├── body
│ │ │ │ ├── add-announce
│ │ │ │ ├── announce
│ │ │ │ ├── contact-us
│ │ │ │ ├── faq
│ │ │ │ └── home
│ │ │ │ └── carousel
│ │ │ ├── footer
│ │ │ ├── header
│ │ │ └── no-page-found
│ │ ├── assets
│ │ └── environments
│ └── test
│ └── java
│ └── com
│ └── hackathon
│ └── challenge
└── target
├── classes
│ ├── com
│ │ └── hackathon
│ │ └── challenge
│ │ ├── config
│ │ ├── controller
│ │ ├── dto
│ │ ├── exception
│ │ ├── model
│ │ ├── repository
│ │ ├── security
│ │ └── service
│ └── META-INF
├── generated-sources
│ └── annotations
├── generated-test-sources
│ └── test-annotations
└── test-classes
├── com
│ └── hackathon
│ └── challenge
— to config our spring boot app; -
— to listen to the client; -
— to hold our data transfer object; -
— to hold our custom exception; -
— to hold our entities; -
— to communicate with the database; -
— to manage our jwt; -
— to hold our business logic; -
- Contains all the static resources, templates and property files. -
- contains static resources such as css, js and images. -
- It contains application-wide properties. Spring reads the properties defined in this file to configure your application. You can define server’s default port, server’s context path, database URLs etc, in this file. -
- contains unit and integration tests -
- contains all the project dependencies