- Visual Studio 2017 for Windows
- CUDA 10.1
- OptiX 7.0 version SDK
- CakeMAke
Install the packages listed above.
Clone the respository (or download). And put it inside the rute C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\OptiX SDK 7.0.0 (where OptiX is installed). Also copy the support folder inside C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\OptiX SDK 7.0.0\SDK and paste it with the repository files.
Open CMake. -point "source directory" to the downloaded source directory
point "build directory" to /build (the directory should be created inside the source directory folder)
click 'configure', then specify the generator as Visual Studio 2017 and the Optional platform as x64. If appears some red warning click configure again, it could solve the problem.
click 'generate' (this creates a Visual Studio project and solutions)
To enter the project enter the build folder, where you can open the Visual Studio solutions.
NOTE: To run one project you must set it as startup project inside visual Studio.
NOTE2: It is possible that you could need to move the support folder from the OptiX SDK folder to this folder.