A color constancy filter that applies color correction based on the grayworld assumption.
For more info.
This is a port of the FFmpeg filter grayworld.
AviSynth+ 3.6 or later and/or VapourSynth R55 or later
Microsoft VisualC++ Redistributable Package 2022 (can be downloaded from here) (Windows only)
grayworld (clip input, int "opt", int "cc")
grwrld.grayworld(clip input, int "opt", int "cc")
A clip to process.
Must be in RGB(A) 32-bit planar format and in linear light. -
Sets which cpu optimizations to use.
-1: Auto-detect.
0: Use C++ code.
1: Use SSE2 code.
2: Use AVX2 code.
3: Use AVX512 code.
Default: -1. -
Color correction mode.
0: Mean.
1: Median. This mode is not affected by extreme values in luminance or chrominance.
Default: 0.
Use solution files. -
Requirements: - Git - C++17 compiler - CMake >= 3.16
CMake options:
-DBUILD_AVS_LIB=ON # Build library for AviSynth+. -DBUILD_VS_LIB=ON # Build library for VapourSynth.
git clone https://github.com/Asd-g/AviSynthPlus-grayworld && \ cd AviSynthPlus-grayworld && \ mkdir build && \ cd build && \ cmake .. make -j$(nproc) sudo make install