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AstroPlant Community Platform

Repository of the astroplant community platform.


Why a community platform ?

As AstroPlant grew and new amazing space farmers joined, it has become obvious that our communication and on-boarding processes were not appropriate to what we wanted to provide to our end users and to our community. To solve those issues, we decided to create a single place where users, followers and contributors could go to for everything and anything Astroplant, a AstroPlant hub of some sort what we internally refer as the AstroPlant platform.

For more information about the platform, our community and goals, go to

Architectural Decisions

πŸ“‘ For future reference and new commers the following section is presenting and documenting the architectural decisions that came into account when creating the platform. Those decisions were made in May & June 2020 following user research, and based on early mock-ups.

Technology Stack

We decided to go with the JAM Stack for many reason, the main one being that we wanted to provide a fast experience to our readers, there is no better way currently than using the JAM Stack to create staticly rendered websites.

Next.js (Front-End)

The platform uses Next.js as a front-end framework, for many reasons : it does a lot out of the box, and provide great tools for both Server-Side & Static-Rendering, that we were going to need to create a blog, a support service, and a kit management tools all in the same space. And cherry on top : it's open-source !

Strapi (API & Back-End)

For content management the platform is powered by Strapi, not the best headless CMS for blogs/publication edition and creation, but probably the best overall when your content isn't limited blogs or text. And as a very popular open-source project it's improving at the speed of light every single day.

PostreSQL (Data Storage)

The data is stored on a PostreSQL database. All the database management is handled by Strapi and its own ORM mapping tools, for more information read Strapi Database Configuration.

Astroplant API & Back-End

The front-end uses data & control endpoints from AstroPlants Core API to control kits and display their data.

Tools and Libraries

  • Storybook : for documentation, design system publication, component creation and extreme use case testing.
  • Formik & Yup : for forms creation & validation.
  • Styled-Components : for styling.
  • Leaflet : for map creation & interactions.
  • React-Markdown : for markdown to html rendering.
  • Chart.js: for charts creation & edition.

    ⚠️ May change in favor of D3.js.

Repo structure

πŸ“‘ We decided to keep the whole platform in a single repository as many of the change to the front-end also affects the back-end. It makes it easier to follow versioning and progression, and to rollback if necessary.

Here is the curent repository structure :

β”‚   .storybook  # storybook configuration files
β”‚   api         # the strapi project
β”‚   components  # the react components
|   |
|   └───  cards
|   └───  forms
|   └───  grids
|   └───  inputs
|   └───  layouts
|   └───  stories   # storybook stories
|   └───  ...       # rest of the componenents
β”‚   hocs        # higher order components
β”‚   pages       # next.js pages
|   providers   # providers and context definitions
|   public      # public assets for the next.js front-end
|   services    # tools to access APIs
|   styles      # styling related files
|   utils       # helper function and hooks

Development Setup

Using Docker Compose

Make sure you have the git command line tool and Docker installed first, then run the following commands :

# Clone the repo
git clone

cd community-platform

# Start up both strapi and next
docker-compose up -d

Once it's finished you should be asked to create a strapi admin account on localhost:1337. Please create at least an article, a user and add the correct permissions by following the steps here. Then you should be able to access the front end on your localhost:3000.

Without Docker


Please read the instructions indide the api folder.


Create env files

Create an env.local file at the root of the project with the following content :


Install the package

Run the following commands :

# Clone the repo
git clone

cd community-platform/api

# install strapi dependencies
npm install

# Start up strapi
npm run develop

When strapi is installed you should be asked to create a strapi admin account on your localhost:1337.

Then you should be able to install and boot next on localhost:3000.

cd ..

# install next dependencies
npm install

# Start up strapi
npm run dev


The deployment is made through AstroPlant's kubernetes cluster hosted at SURFSara. Please refer to the readme's inside the deployment folder: Community API Folder & Community Platform Folder.


  • Build a static website for news, FAQs & document sharing.
  • Build a tool to create graphs using kits data.
  • Build a kit dashboard to access, edit & manage a kit. Currently done through Astroplant Front-End
