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DomainPing is a command line tool written in Go that checks the availability of a list of domains and saves the results to a file.

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🌐 DomainPing

DomainPing is a command line tool written in Go that checks the availability of a list of domains and saves the results to a file.

Saikat Karmakar | 10 Mar : 2023

🚀 Features

  • 🌐 Bulk domain checking: Check the availability and response time of multiple domains at once.

  • 🕵️‍♀️ IP address resolution: Optionally resolve the IP address of each domain and include it in the output.

  • 📄 Flexible output format: Save the results to a file in either JSON or plain text format.

  • 🔎 HTTP GET requests: Send an HTTP GET request to each domain to check if it's alive.

  • 🔌 Easy integration: Use as a standalone tool or integrate into your own Go program as a package.

💾 Requirements

- Go 1.19.5 or higher

🛠️ Installation

  • Using go install
go install
  • Build from source
go build domainPing.go

🤖 Usage

go run domainPing.go [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE

    	Print banner
  -d string
    	Specify the domain to check
  -f string
    	Input file path
  -h	show help
    	Resolve IP address
  -o string
    	Output file path

  • bin/domainPing -h
bin/domainPing -h                                            

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Author: avik_saikat


Usage: bin/domainPing [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE
Ping a list of domains and save the results to a file.

    	Print banner
  -d string
    	Specify the domain to check
  -f string
    	Input file path
  -h	show help
    	Resolve IP address
  -o string
    	Output file path

Check the availability of a single domains

Check the availability of domains in a file and print the results to the console

Save the results to a JSON file

Check the availability of domains in a file, include the resolved IP address

Using pipes

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. Feel free to check the issues page if you want to contribute.

💖 Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!


DomainPing is a command line tool written in Go that checks the availability of a list of domains and saves the results to a file.





