OpusSharp aims to be a cross platform, pure and ported C# compatible version of the native opus codec/library. The core library uses the native compiled DLL's/binaries. Currently, Windows, Android and Linux binaries are available. iOS and MacOS are in the works. OpusSharp compiles the opus binaries using a github actions file which is available here.
While OpusSharp.Core contains minimal pre-made decoder and encoder handlers, you can create your own as all the SafeHandlers and NativeOpus functions are exposed and fully documented. However to get a minimal setup working, check the example below.
using NAudio.Wave;
using OpusSharp.Core;
var format = new WaveFormat(48000, 2);
var buffer = new BufferedWaveProvider(format) { ReadFully = true };
var encoder = new OpusEncoder(format.SampleRate, format.Channels, OpusPredefinedValues.OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP);
var decoder = new OpusDecoder(format.SampleRate, format.Channels);
var recorder = new WaveInEvent() { BufferMilliseconds = 20, WaveFormat = format };
var player = new WaveOutEvent();
recorder.DataAvailable += Recorder_DataAvailable;
void Recorder_DataAvailable(object? sender, WaveInEventArgs e)
var encoded = new byte[1000];
var encodedBytes = encoder.Encode(e.Buffer, 960, encoded, encoded.Length);
var decoded = new byte[3840];
var decodedSamples = decoder.Decode(encoded, encodedBytes, decoded, 960, false);
buffer.AddSamples(decoded, 0, decoded.Length);
using OpusSharp.Core;
OpusEncoder encoder = new OpusEncoder(48000, 2, OpusPredefinedValues.OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP);
int vbr = 1; //1 == true, 0 == false
encoder.Ctl<int>(EncoderCTL.OPUS_SET_VBR, ref vbr); //OpusSharp already checks if an error occurred with the CTL request and will throw an OpusException if there is an error, otherwise OpusErrorCodes.OPUS_OK.
- ✅ Fully and natively supported.
- ❎ Can be supported but no reason to.
- ❗ Not yet available.
- ❌ Not planned, Not supported.
Device | x64 | x86 | arm32 | arm64 |
Linux | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Android | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Windows | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
iOS | ❗ | ❗ | ❗ | ❗ |
MacOS | ❗ | ❗ | ❗ | ❗ |
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