This Solidity contract serves as a foundation for a simple zombie-themed game on the Ethereum blockchain. It enables the creation of zombies with unique names and DNA, and it emits events to signal their creation. Features:
Zombie Creation: createRandomZombie(string memory _name): Generates a zombie with a random DNA and the given name. DNA Generation: _generateRandomDna(string memory _str): Calculates a random DNA based on a string input, ensuring unique zombies. Event Emission: NewZombie: Emitted when a new zombie is created, providing its ID, name, and DNA for external interactions. Usage:
Deploy the contract to an Ethereum network. Interact with the createRandomZombie function to create new zombies. Listen for the NewZombie event to track zombie creation and react accordingly. Files:
ZombieFactory.sol: Contains the Solidity code for the contract. This file (you're reading it now!). Dependencies:
Solidity compiler (e.g., solc) Ethereum development environment (e.g., Remix, Truffle, Hardhat) Web3 library for interacting with the contract Author:
Aditya Kumar singh
Pull requests are welcome! Please follow the project's coding style and conventions.
For questions or feedback, contact [[email protected]].