HurryApp2 is a web application designed for organizing hackathons efficiently.
- Manage hackathon schedules
- Participant registration
- Event notifications
The frontend of HurryApp2 uses:
- balde - A Balde Laravel for building user interfaces
- Bootstrap - A front-end framework for designing responsive and mobile-first websites
The backend of HurryApp2 is built with:
- Node.js - A JavaScript runtime for building server-side applications
- Laravel - A fast, unopinionated web framework for Laravel
- Mysql - A Mysql database for storing application data
To install HurryApp2, follow these steps:
Navigate to the
directory:cd laveral
Install dependencies:
composer install
npm install
- Navigate to the
directory:cd nodejs
- Install dependencies:
nmp install
Start the
server:npm run dev
Start the
server:node server.js
Access the application via the provided URL.