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AZD πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»
AZD :technologist:
These modules are requested/used by the AZD team.
Class: Pattern Module πŸ“¦
Class: Pattern Module :package:
This is a pattern module
Class: Resource Module πŸ“¦
Class: Resource Module :package:
This is a resource module
Class: Utility Module πŸ“¦
Class: Utility Module :package:
This is a utility module
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Language: Bicep πŸ’ͺ
Language: Bicep :muscle:
This is related to the Bicep IaC language
Language: Terraform 🌐
Language: Terraform :globe_with_meridians:
This is related to the Terraform IaC language
Needs: Attention πŸ‘‹
Needs: Attention :wave:
Reply has been added to issue, maintainer to review
Needs: Author Feedback πŸ‘‚
Needs: Author Feedback :ear:
Awaiting feedback from the issue/PR author
Needs: Core Team 🧞
Needs: Core Team :genie:
This item needs the AVM Core Team to review it
Needs: External Changes βš’οΈ
Needs: External Changes :hammer_and_pick:
When an issue/PR requires changes that are outside of the control of the module. e.g. to an RP.
Needs: Immediate Attention ‼️
Needs: Immediate Attention :bangbang:
Immediate attention of module owner / AVM team is needed
Needs: Module Contributor πŸ“£
Needs: Module Contributor :mega:
This module needs secondary owner(s) or contributor(s) to develop or maintain it
Needs: Module Owner πŸ“£
Needs: Module Owner :mega:
This module needs an owner to develop or maintain it
Needs: More Evidence βš–οΈ
Needs: More Evidence :balance_scale:
We are looking for more evidence to make a decision on this
Needs: Triage πŸ”
Needs: Triage :mag:
Maintainers need to triage still
Status: Awaiting Release To Be Cut βœ‚οΈ
Status: Awaiting Release To Be Cut :scissors:
This is fixed in the main branch but not in the latest release, will be fixed with next release cut
Status: Do Not Merge β›”
Status: Do Not Merge :no_entry:
Do not merge PRs with this label attached as they are not ready or aligned to future direction etc.
Status: External Contribution 🌍
Status: External Contribution :earth_africa:
This is being worked on by someone outside of the AVM module owners/contributors or AVM core team
Status: Fixed βœ…
Status: Fixed :white_check_mark:
Auto label applied when issue fixed by merged PR
Status: Help Wanted πŸ†˜
Status: Help Wanted :sos:
Extra attention is needed
Status: In PR πŸ‘‰
Status: In PR :point_right:
This is when an issue is due to be fixed in an open PR
Status: In Triage πŸ”
Status: In Triage :mag:
Picked up for triaging by an AVM core team member
Status: Invalid ❌
Status: Invalid :x:
This doesn't seem right
Status: Long Term ⏳
Status: Long Term :hourglass_flowing_sand:
We will do it, but will take a longer amount of time due to complexity/priorities
Status: Looking For Assistance πŸ¦†
Status: Looking For Assistance :duck:
This item is looking for anyone to help develop the code and submit a PR for resolution
Status: Module Available 🟒
Status: Module Available :green_circle:
The module is published
Status: Module Orphaned πŸ‘€
Status: Module Orphaned :eyes:
The module has no owner and is therefore orphaned at this time