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Added unit tests for Avro Extractor and fixed issue with null columns.
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flomader committed Sep 1, 2017
1 parent 702e21a commit 23c6351
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@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
using Microsoft.Analytics.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.Analytics.Types.Sql;
using Microsoft.Analytics.UnitTest;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Avro;
using Microsoft.Hadoop.Avro.Container;
using Microsoft.Hadoop.Avro;

namespace Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Tests
public class AvroExtractorTest
public AvroExtractorTest()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here

private TestContext testContextInstance;

/// <summary>
///Gets or sets the test context which provides
///information about and functionality for the current test run.
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;

#region Additional test attributes
// You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
// Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
// [ClassInitialize()]
// public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
// Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
// [ClassCleanup()]
// public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
// Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
// [TestInitialize()]
// public void MyTestInitialize() { }
// Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
// [TestCleanup()]
// public void MyTestCleanup() { }

public IRow SingleColumnRowGenerator<T>()
var foo = new USqlColumn<T>("Value");
var columns = new List<IColumn> { foo };
var schema = new USqlSchema(columns);
return new USqlRow(schema, null);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeInt_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<int>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<int>>
new SingleColumnPoco<int>() { Value = 1 },
new SingleColumnPoco<int>() { Value = 0 },

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<int>("Value") == 1);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<int>("Value") == 0);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeNullableInt_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<int?>().AsUpdatable();

var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<int?>>
new SingleColumnPoco<int?>() { Value = 1 },
new SingleColumnPoco<int?>() { Value = null }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<int?>("Value") == 1);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<int?>("Value") == null);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeBoolean_Extracted()
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<bool>>
new SingleColumnPoco<bool>() { Value = true },
new SingleColumnPoco<bool>() { Value = false }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<bool>("Value") == true);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<bool>("Value") == false);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeNullableBoolean_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<bool?>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<bool?>>
new SingleColumnPoco<bool?>() { Value = true },
new SingleColumnPoco<bool?>() { Value = false },
new SingleColumnPoco<bool?>() { Value = null }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<bool?>("Value") == true);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<bool?>("Value") == false);
Assert.IsTrue(result[2].Get<bool?>("Value") == null);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeLong_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<long>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<long>>
new SingleColumnPoco<long>() { Value = 9223372036854775807 },
new SingleColumnPoco<long>() { Value = -9223372036854775807 }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<long>("Value") == 9223372036854775807);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<long>("Value") == -9223372036854775807);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeNullableLong_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<long?>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<long?>>
new SingleColumnPoco<long?>() { Value = 9223372036854775807 },
new SingleColumnPoco<long?>() { Value = -9223372036854775807 },
new SingleColumnPoco<long?>() { Value = null }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<long?>("Value") == 9223372036854775807);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<long?>("Value") == -9223372036854775807);
Assert.IsTrue(result[2].Get<long?>("Value") == null);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeFloat_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<float>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<float>>
new SingleColumnPoco<float>() { Value = 3.5F},
new SingleColumnPoco<float>() { Value = 0 }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<float>("Value") == 3.5F);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<float>("Value") == 0);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeNullableFloat_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<float?>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<float?>>
new SingleColumnPoco<float?>() { Value = 3.5F},
new SingleColumnPoco<float?>() { Value = 0 },
new SingleColumnPoco<float?>() { Value = null }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<float?>("Value") == 3.5F);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<float?>("Value") == 0);
Assert.IsTrue(result[2].Get<float?>("Value") == null);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeDouble_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<double>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<double>>
new SingleColumnPoco<double>() { Value = 3D},
new SingleColumnPoco<double>() { Value = 0 }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<double>("Value") == 3D);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<double>("Value") == 0);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeNullableDouble_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<double?>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<double?>>
new SingleColumnPoco<double?>() { Value = 3D},
new SingleColumnPoco<double?>() { Value = 0 },
new SingleColumnPoco<double?>() { Value = null }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<double?>("Value") == 3D);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<double?>("Value") == 0);
Assert.IsTrue(result[2].Get<double?>("Value") == null);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeByte_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<byte[]>().AsUpdatable();
byte[] bytes = { 2, 4, 6 };
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<byte[]>>
new SingleColumnPoco<byte[]>() { Value = bytes }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<byte[]>("Value")[0] == 2);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeNullableByte_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<byte[]>().AsUpdatable();
byte[] bytes = { 2, 4, 6 };
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<byte[]>>
new SingleColumnPoco<byte[]>() { Value = bytes },
new SingleColumnPoco<byte[]>() { Value = null }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<byte[]>("Value")[0] == 2);
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<byte[]>("Value") == null);

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeString_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<string>().AsUpdatable();
var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<string>>
new SingleColumnPoco<string>() { Value = "asdf" },
new SingleColumnPoco<string>() { Value = "" }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<string>("Value") == "asdf");
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<string>("Value") == "");

public void AvroExtractor_DatatypeNullableString_Extracted()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<string>().AsUpdatable();

var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<string>>
new SingleColumnPoco<string>() { Value = "asdf" },
new SingleColumnPoco<string>() { Value = null }

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result[0].Get<string>("Value") == "asdf");
Assert.IsTrue(result[1].Get<string>("Value") == null);

public void AvroExtractor_EmptyFile_ReturnNoRow()
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<string>().AsUpdatable();

var data = new List<SingleColumnPoco<string>>();

var result = ExecuteExtract(data);

Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == 0);

private IList<IRow> ExecuteExtract<T>(List<SingleColumnPoco<T>> data)
var output = SingleColumnRowGenerator<T>().AsUpdatable();

using (var dataStream = new MemoryStream())
serializeAvro(dataStream, data);

var schema = getAvroSchema<SingleColumnPoco<T>>();

var reader = new USqlStreamReader(dataStream);
var extractor = new AvroExtractor(schema);
return extractor.Extract(reader, output).ToList();

private void serializeAvro<T>(MemoryStream dataStream, List<T> data)
using (var avroWriter = AvroContainer.CreateWriter<T>(dataStream, Codec.Deflate))
using (var seqWriter = new SequentialWriter<T>(avroWriter, 24))

private string getAvroSchema<T>()
var avroSerializer = AvroSerializer.Create<T>();
return avroSerializer.ReaderSchema.ToString();

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