Rincon is a cloud-native service registry written in Go. It is designed to be fast, lightweight, and highly scalable. Rincon is also platform-agnostic, and can run in the cloud, a container, or even on bare-metal, making it perfect for both local development and production environments.
Rincon makes it easy for services to register themselves and to discover other services. Built-in support for health checking and load balancing allows monitoring service status and prevents routing to unavailable services. External services such as SaaS vendors can also be registered to create a unified discovery interface.
The easiest way to get started with Rincon is to use the official Docker image. You can pull it from Docker Hub.
$ docker run -d -p 10311:10311 bk1031/rincon:latest
Alternatively if you have an existing compose file, you can add Rincon as a service. This way you can easily connect Rincon to your existing database.
image: bk1031/rincon:latest
restart: unless-stopped
PORT: "10311"
DB_DRIVER: "postgres"
DB_HOST: "localhost"
DB_PORT: "5432"
DB_NAME: "rincon"
DB_USER: "postgres"
DB_PASSWORD: "password"
- "10311:10311"
By default Rincon will run on port 10311
. Once Rincon is running, we can connect to it from our application using the default username and password admin
. Let's register a service called Service A
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:10311/rincon/services" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-u 'admin:admin' \
-d $'{
"endpoint": "localhost:8080",
"name": "Service A",
"health_check": "localhost:8080/health",
"version": "1.0.0"
The response body will contain an ID for our newly registered service. Including this ID in future requests will allow you to update the service's registration. Now we can register a route that Service A
will handle.
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:10311/rincon/routes" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-u 'admin:admin' \
-d $'{
"route": "/service",
"service_name": "Service A",
"method": "*"
Now we can verify that our service and route are properly registered by making a request to the route matching endpoint.
curl "http://localhost:10311/rincon/match?route=service&method=GET"
You should see the service registration for Service A
returned in the response body. We have now successfully registered a service and route!
If you're using Go, check out our client sdk here.
Services are the core of Rincon. They represent instances of a specific application that you want to enable discovery of. Each service has the following properties:
: The unique identifier for the service.name
: The name of the service.version
: The version of the service.endpoint
: The endpoint of the service.health_check
: The health check endpoint of the service.
When you register a service, you must provide the name, version, endpoint, and health check endpoint. Upon registration, Rincon will return the following Service object.
"id": 820522,
"name": "rincon",
"version": "2.0.0",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:10311",
"health_check": "http://localhost:10311/rincon/ping",
"updated_at": "2024-08-04T19:32:40.109239344-07:00",
"created_at": "2024-08-04T19:32:40.109239386-07:00"
The id
field is an auto-generated integer with the length specified by the SERVICE_ID_LENGTH
configuration option. It is a unique identifier for a specific instance of a service. Instances are tied to a service by the name
field. Note that the service name will be converted to lower-snakecase. The endpoint
must also be unique across all service instances. When updating an existing service, the endpoint
will be used as the primary identifier.
Say we register a service New York
with the following definition:
[POST] http://localhost:10311/rincon/services
"name": "New York",
"version": "1.0.0",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:3000",
"health_check": "http://localhost:3000/ping",
Rincon will return the following service object to us:
"id": 820522,
"name": "new_york",
"version": "1.0.0",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:3000",
"health_check": "http://localhost:3000/ping",
"updated_at": "2024-08-04T19:32:40.109239344-07:00",
"created_at": "2024-08-04T19:32:40.109239386-07:00"
Any more services that we register using New York
(will be converted to new_york
) as the name
will be considered another instance of the New York
Rincon supports health-checking to ensure that registered services are available through heartbeats. Any services determined to be unhealthy will be removed from the registry and no longer discoverable by other services.
This is the default heartbeat mode, where Rincon will ping each service's health_check
endpoint at an interval defined by HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL
Any 2xx
status code will mark the heartbeat as successful. Any other response will mark the heartbeat as failed, resulting in the service being removed from the registry.
When operating in client heartbeat mode, Rincon expects pings from the registered services at least once every heartbeat interval. This ping should be made to the service registration endpoint, with all the service fields correctly populated. The ping can be cofirmed by ensuring the updated_at
field in the response has increased. At each heartbeat interval, Rincon will remove all services with an updated_at
timestamp older than the interval.
Services register routes to tell Rincon what requests they can handle. Each route has the following properties:
: The unique identifier for the route.route
: The actual route path.method
: The http methods associated with the route.service_name
: The service associated with the route.
When registering a route, you must provide the route, method, and service associated with that route. Upon registration, Rincon will return the following Route object.
"id": "/rincon/ping-[*]",
"route": "/rincon/ping",
"method": "*",
"service_name": "rincon",
"created_at": "2024-08-04T01:05:37.262645179-07:00"
The id
is a generated field in the format route-[method]
. Note that routes are tied to services, not any specific instance of a service. So if we register 10 routes to the new_york
service and then spin up 2 more instances of the new_york
service, all instances of the new_york
service are considered able to handle those 10 routes.
Rincon currently supports the following HTTP Methods:
(wilcard, route can handle all methods)
Dynamic routing is supported through the use of wildcards, enabling services to handle variable path segments efficiently.
This wildcard can be used to allow any string to match to a certain path segment.
You can also use this wildcard in the middle of your route.
This wildcard can be used to allow any string to match to all remaining path segments.
You can even use both wildcards for more specific routing.
While you can have the all wildcard (**
) in the middle of a route path, when the route graph is computed all proceeding segments are ignored.
Routes with the same path and service name will automatically be "stacked". This just means that their methods will be combined into one registration in Rincon.
New York: /users [GET]
New York: /users [POST]
New York: /users [GET,POST]
If the existing or new route method is *
, then the stacked method will simply be the wildcard method.
New York: /users [*]
New York: /users [POST]
New York: /users [*]
is set to false
. This means that if you attempt to register a route that has a conflict with an existing route, it will be rejected. Usually these conflicts arise from two routes attached to different services having an overlap in their methods.
New York: /users [GET]
San Francisco: /users [GET] // cannot be registered
Even if the newer route has a higher method coverage than the existing route, the registration will be rejected as long as OVERWRITE_ROUTES
is set to false
New York: /users [GET]
San Francisco: /users [GET,POST] // cannot be registered
To ensure that your routes are registered successfully, make sure there are no method overlaps.
New York: /users [GET]
San Francisco: /users [POST,PUT] // no conflict, will be registered successfully!
is set to true
, any conflicting registrations will not be rejected. Instead the new registration will replace the existing one.
New York: /users [GET]
San Francisco: /users [GET]
San Francisco: /users [GET]
If there are multiple conflicting routes, they will all be replaced.
New York: /users [GET]
Boston: /users [POST]
Los Angelos /users [DELETE]
San Francisco: /users [GET,POST,DELETE]
San Francisco: /users [GET,POST,DELETE]
Existing routes will be replaced even if they have a higher route coverage than the new route. Be careful when overwriting routes!
New York: /users [GET,POST]
San Francisco: /users [GET]
San Francisco: /users [GET] // route for New York was completely removed!
Internally, Rincon computes a route graph to help it match a requested route against its registered routes. This is a simple directed acyclic graph where nodes are route paths and edges are slugs needed to get to the next route path. Nodes also contain information about which services and methods can be handled at that route path.
As an example, let's say we have the following route registrations.
New York: /users
New York: /users/*
San Francisco: /users/stats
San Francsico: /users/*/notifications
Los Angeles: /orgs/stats
Santa Barbara: /orgs/**
The generated route graph would look something like the following.

When ENV
is set to DEV
, the route graph will be printed on each match route request.
2025-03-22T00:07:37.383-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:234 Matching route /rincon/services/123456/routes
2025-03-22T00:07:37.383-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:263 Traversing graph with path "" and route "/rincon/services/123456/routes"
2025-03-22T00:07:37.383-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:277 Child path "" exists
2025-03-22T00:07:37.383-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:263 Traversing graph with path "/rincon" and route "/rincon/services/123456/routes"
2025-03-22T00:07:37.383-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:277 Child path "rincon" exists
2025-03-22T00:07:37.383-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:263 Traversing graph with path "/rincon/services" and route "/rincon/services/123456/routes"
2025-03-22T00:07:37.383-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:277 Child path "services" exists
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:263 Traversing graph with path "/rincon/services/123456" and route "/rincon/services/123456/routes"
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:270 Child path "123456" does not exist
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:263 Traversing graph with path "/rincon/services/*" and route "/rincon/services/123456/routes"
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:270 Child path "*" does not exist
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:263 Traversing graph with path "/rincon/services/**" and route "/rincon/services/123456/routes"
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:274 Found all path wildcard (**)
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 DEBUG service/route.go:240 Matched to /rincon/services/**
2025-03-22T00:07:37.386-0700 INFO service/route.go:252 Matched route /rincon/services/123456/routes to /rincon/services/** for service rincon (557684)
Using our New York
service from the previous example, let's register the following route.
[POST] http://localhost:10311/rincon/routes
"route": "/users",
"method": "*",
"service_name": "New York",
Rincon will return the following route object to us.
"id": "/users-[*]",
"route": "/users",
"method": "*",
"service_name": "new_york",
"created_at": "2024-08-27T14:04:43.688527-07:00"
Now we can confirm our route was correctly registered by making a request to the route matching endpoint.
[GET] http://localhost:10311/rincon/match?route=users&method=GET
"id": 416156,
"name": "new_york",
"version": "1.0.0",
"endpoint": "http://localhost:3000",
"health_check": "http://localhost:3000/health",
"updated_at": "2024-08-27T14:04:23.172214-07:00",
"created_at": "2024-08-27T14:04:23.172214-07:00"
As expected, Rincon returned our New York
service definition. Now let's try to register a route for a different service (assume that San Francisco
is a service that has already been registered with Rincon).
[POST] http://localhost:10311/rincon/routes
"route": "/users",
"method": "POST",
"service_name": "San Francisco",
This time, we get the following error from Rincon.
"message": "route with id /users-[POST] overlaps with existing routes [[*] /users (new_york)]"
This is because New York
was already registered to handle all methods (based on the *
wildcard method definition) on the /users
route. By default a new service cannot register a route with a conflicting method. This can be changed by setting OVERWRITE_ROUTES
Rincon is able to load balance between multiple instances of the same service based on the service name. Currently only random selection is supported (see RandomSelector
If clients want to implement their own form of load balancing, they can simply request all the registrations for the service name that was returned from their original match route request.
Here are all the environment variables and their defaults to configure Rincon.
Default: PROD
Sets whether Rincon should be running in production or development mode.
Default: 10311
The port that the Rincon API binds to.
Default: http://localhost:{PORT}
The endpoint that the Rincon API is accessible at. Rincon uses this value for its initial self-registration.
Default: http://localhost:{PORT}/rincon/ping
The endpoint that the Rincon API's health check is accessible at. Rincon uses this value for its initial self-registration.
Default: admin
The username Rincon looks for as part of basic authentication in the Authorization
headers of incoming requests.
Default: admin
The password Rincon looks for as part of basic authentication in the Authorization
headers of incoming requests.
Default: 6
The length of the auto-generated service IDs. Note that this value must be at least 4.
Default: local
This sets where Rincon stores all its registration info. Must be either local
or sql
. Support for Redis coming soon!
Default: false
This flag determines whether Rincon will overwrite existing routes when a new registration arrives from a different service than the existing route. See the Conflicting Route Registration section for more information.
Default: server
This determines whether Rincon will ping registered services or expect the services to ping Rincon. Must be set to either server
or client
Default: 10
The time between hearbeat pings sent by Rincon. If HEARTBEAT_TYPE
is set to client
, then this determines how long after a ping that Rincon considers that service inactive.
No default value. Which database engine to use when STORAGE_MODE
is set to sql
. Must be either mysql
or postgres
No default value. Database hostname when STORAGE_MODE
is set to sql
No default value. Database port when STORAGE_MODE
is set to sql
No default value. Database name when STORAGE_MODE
is set to sql
No default value. Database user when STORAGE_MODE
is set to sql
No default value. Database password when STORAGE_MODE
is set to sql
Default: rin_
The table name prefix that Rincon uses when creating tables, handy in case of existing table conflicts.
Check out openapi.yaml
to find documentation for the Rincon REST API.
- More load balancing options
- Support for Redis as storage layer
- Better kubernetes integration
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b gh-username/my-amazing-feature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add my amazing feature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin gh-username/my-amazing-feature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.