This Script Checks new PowerShell Core versions and installs them as needed on Windows devices - Check if there is a Powershell Update describes how to install and use the script - PowerShell Challenge: Check PWSH version and install describes how the script was created
Find the script in the Gallery
Install the script by using the following line
Install-Script -Name Get-PwshUpdate
Run in a scheduled task or manually. Want to Run it in a scheduled task? Execute the following code:
# Run as administrator!
# Run in Windows PowerShell, this does not work in Core 😭
$InstalledScriptPath = (Get-InstalledScript -Name Get-PwshUpdate).InstalledLocation
$ScriptPath = "$InstalledScriptPath/Get-PwshUpdate.ps1"
#Format as Date-Time
[DateTime]$CheckTime = "10pm"
$Parameters = @{
"Execute" = "Powershell.exe"
"Argument" = "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -file `" $ScriptPath`" "
$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction @Parameters
$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At $CheckTime
$Parameters = @{
"Action" = $Action
"Trigger"= $Trigger
"TaskName" = "PWSH Update check"
"RunLevel" = "Highest"
"Description" = "Daily check for PWSH updates"
Register-ScheduledTask @Parameters
Any ideas or contributions are welcome! Please add an issue with your suggestions.
Version 1.0.1 22/12/2019 Changed handling of the metadata
Version: 1.0 Last update: june 30th 2019 Initial Commit
View known issues here