As your final project, you'll be faced with a real scenario.
Creating this project will give you the hands-on experience you need to confidently talk about infrastructure as code. We have chosen a realistic scenario where you will deploy a dummy application (a sample JavaScript or HTML file) to the Apache Web Server running on an EC2 instance.
There will be two parts to this project:
Diagram: You'll first develop a diagram that you can present as part of your portfolio and as a visual aid to understand the CloudFormation script.
Script (Template and Parameters): The second part is to interpret the instructions and create a matching CloudFormation script.
- : This file for running the aws command to create the stack
- Project-Udagrram-diagram.jpeg : This will have the architecture for the project
- networking.yml : this file will configure the networking infrastructure only
- Project-networking.json : this file contains all the parameters need for networking.yml
- servers.yml: this file will configure the servers and jump server and related stuff
- Project-servers.json: this file contains the parameters related to the servers.yml