A Bean Container Framework Project
- Bean Container
- bean definition
- bean injection
- bean lookup
MZERO will scan the package you provide, you can use @Component
to sign a class, which means such classes will be loaded in MZERO bean container.
The fields of objects which are managed by MZERO container sigh with @Autowired
will be injected the same type Object or value.
You can also lookup Bean exists in MZERO by the method MZERO container provide.
MZERO supports you to implements AOP to enhance your method. To do a Aspect for your project, just only add a class extends DefaultAspect class, and sign the class with @Aspect
. And you can also decide the aspect order with @Order
. Finally,you have to appoint the aspect scope. There are two ways for you: The ont way, scan the package you appoint; the another way, scan the object in the MZERO container with the annotation you appoint.
If you project is a web project, the MVC module is benefical to your project. you can sign a Controller with @Controller
annotation. the @RequestMapping
to mark a method in the controller as a request invoke method. the @RequestParam
and @RequestBody
to appoint parameters of the method.
The MVC module of MZERO supports return types contain jsp,static source , view and json.
Step 1: Add the dependence in your project
Step 2: Add your code
to run Mzero Container.
package com.megetood;
import org.mzero.MzeroApplication;
import org.mzero.mvc.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.mzero.mvc.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.mzero.mvc.type.RequestMethod;
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
@RequestMapping(value = "/hello",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String hello(@RequestParam(value = "name", required = true) String name) {
return String.format("Hello %s!", name);
Add a bean to be manage by MZERO container
package com.megetood.service.solo.impl; import com.megetood.service.solo.HeadLineService; import org.mzero.core.annotation.Service; @Service public class HeadLineServiceImpl implements HeadLineService { // do something }
Add a Aspect
package com.megetood.aspect; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.mzero.aop.v2.annotation.Aspect; import org.mzero.aop.v2.annotation.Order; import org.mzero.aop.v2.aspect.DefaultAspect; import java.lang.reflect.Method; @Slf4j @Aspect(pointcut = "within(com.megetood.controller.superadmin.*)") @Order(10) public class ServiceInfoRecordAspect extends DefaultAspect { private Long timestampCache; @Override public void before(Class<?> targetClass, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { log.info("ServiceInfoRecordAspect start, the class: [{}], the method: [{}], the args: [{}]", targetClass.getName(), method.getName(), args); timestampCache = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public Object afterReturning(Class<?> targetClass, Method method, Object[] args, Object returnValue) throws Throwable { log.info("ServiceInfoRecordAspect finished, the class: [{}], the method: [{}], the args: [{}]", targetClass.getName(), method.getName(), args); return returnValue; } @Override public void afterThrowing(Class<?> targetClass, Method method, Object[] args, Throwable e) throws Throwable { log.info("ServiceInfoRecordAspect throw exception, the class: [{}], the method: [{}], the args: [{}]", targetClass.getName(), method.getName(), args,e.getMessage()); } }
the @Aspect(pointcut = "within(com.megetood.service.superadmin.*)")
could be replaced by @Aspect(value = Service.class)
in package "org.mzero.aop.v1.annotation.Aspect"
Bean Lookup
public void test(){ BeanContainer container = BeanContainer.getInstance(); HeadLineServiceImpl bean = (HeadLineServiceImpl) container.getBean(HeadLineService.class); }