Deployment related utility classes
- JDK 11
- Maven 3
mvn clean install
Releases of this fork are published to Maven Central via Sonatype.
To create a release, you must have:
- Permissions to publish to the
groupId. gpg
installed with a published key (release artifacts are signed).
To perform a new release:
mvn -P bedework-dev release:clean release:prepare
When prompted, select the desired version; accept the defaults for scm tag and next development version. When the build completes, and the changes are committed and pushed successfully, execute:
mvn -P bedework-dev release:perform
For full details, see Sonatype's documentation for using Maven to publish releases.
* Split off from bw-util. Start at same version.
- Add a dump props method and use it
- Update dependencies
- Remove source/target from compiler plugin. Set in profile
- Update plugin versions
- Update javadoc plugin config
- Switch to PooledHttpClient
- Add extra dependencies for bw-util refactor
- Added assembly to create a runnable app. Will be used for deploying the quickstart without building.
- Minor fixes to messages.
- Fixed checking of deployed version for case when no version deployed.
- Update library versions.
- Add wildfly module deployer
- Remove all dependencies on other bedework projects - mostly by duplicating code.
- Make SplitName comparable and rename fields.
- Update library versions.
- Update library versions.
- Add more classifiers
- Build output in target/ then copy to final destination
- Add parameters so we can run the build to produce a set of modules appropriate for the wildfly galleon framework build.
- FUrther support for feature packs
- iml changes only
- Update library versions.
- Allow specification of optional module dependencies
- Update library versions.
- Support classifier
- Remove unused properties, parameters and fields
- Still had SNAPSHOT dependency when released. Thought that was invalid...
- Revert a change which broke deployment.
- Update parent - avoid some maven dependencies
- Update parent
- Deployment no longer requires a property file. All defaults are for a standalone wildfly. Should be possible to override the defaults.
- Update parent
- Last pre-jakarta release