This group project is about creating a website for the mighty Pong contest! π
- Commit messages chould be in this format:
issue_number commit_message
, where commit_message follows Conventional Commits standard - When creating a pull request, mention everyone and assign one person to review
- Wing: continue front-end
- Lionel:
- Lera: Figma error messages for form
- Linh:
- Diego: Will meet Linh on Tuesday
- id
- player1
- id
- score
- player2
- id
- score
- winner player
- timestamp(s)
- GET page
- POST /games/ - Create game
- Payload: {player1 id, player2 id}
- PUT /games/{gameId}/update - Update game
- Payload: {player1 score, player2 score}
- PUT /games/{gameId}/finish - Finish game
- id
- quarter1 (link to Game)
- quarter2
- quarter3
- quarter4
- semi1
- semi2
- final
- name
- description
- num_players (2,4,8)
- players (links to players)
- winner player
- timestamp(s)
- GET /tournament - Get all
- GET /tournament/{id} - Get one
- POST /tournament - Create
- Payload: user id (or maybe none bc we have cookie?)
- Returns: created tournament whole object
- PUT /tournament/{id}/join Join (also starts the tournament when it's full)
- Payload: user id (or maybe none bc we have cookie?)
- Returns: created tournament id (or whole object?)
- PUT /tournament/{id}/leave - Leave
- Payload: user id
- Refresh tournament (when one of the games is finished, would probably be done from a websocket function but unsure)
- id
- username
- alias
- is_registered
- is_online ?
- ? auth info ?
- current tournament (link to Tournament)
- GET /user - get your profile
- POST /register - create
- Payload: user info
- Returns: created user (or just id)
- POST /login
- PUT /user/{id}/alias - update alias
- Payload: new alias
- Returns: updated user (or just id)
First priority:
- Create board (linh)
- Create docker setup
- Create prototype (lera)
- Create dummy project (database, devops, back, front)
- YES 1 Major module: Use a Framework as backend
- MAYBE 0.5 Minor module: Use a front-end framework or toolkit
- YES 0.5 Minor module: Use a database for the backend
Gameplay and user experience:
- MAYBE 1 Major module: Remote players
- UNLIKELY 1 Major module: Multiplayers (2 vs. 2)
User management
- MAYBE 1 Auth
- MAYBE 1 Remote auth
AI algo
- MAYBE 1 AI opponent
- PROBABLY 1 Major module: Infrastructure Setup for Log Management
- MAYBE 0.5 Minor monitoring
- PROBABLY 1 Major module: Designing the Backend as Microservices
- YES 0.5 Minor module: Expanding Browser Compatibility.
- YES 0.5 Minor module: Multiple language supports.
- YES 0.5 Accessibility
Server-Side Pong
- MAYBE 1 Major module: Replacing Basic Pong with Server-Side Pong and Implementing an API
YES: 3 backend, database, accessibility
PROBABLY: 1 devops: ELK
- 4 Remote + multiplayer + server-side + microservices
- 2 AI opponent + more devops + bootstrap
- 4 Remote auth + remote playing + server-side + 1 DevOps module else than microservices
June 8th plan: Web
- Major module: Use a Framework as backend (1)
- Minor module: Use a database for the backend (0.5)
User Management Major module: Implementing a remote authentication (1)
Gameplay and user experience
- Major module: Remote players (1)
- Major module: Introduce an AI Opponent (1)
- Minor module: Expanding Browser Compatibility (0.5)
- Minor module: Multiple language supports (0.5)
Server-Side Pong
- Major module: Replacing Basic Pong with Server-Side Pong and Implementing an API (1)
Dev-op: to be decided (1)
Sum: 7.5
docker exec -it container_id psql -U my_user -d my_db --password
- Agile and Documentation in ft_transcendence
- ft_transcendence Project Architecture Overview
- How the Django-Docker-Frontend system can be connected
- Architecture & database diagram
- 42 API | Documentation to build an application with 42 API. |
| - PostgreSQL commands and flags