A scientific calculator built through three different algorithms.
Tools and Packages
- python standard library (math, time, random, argparse)
- numpy
- pygame
- python 3.8+ (windows.macOS.Linux均可,須有對應bash檔案)
Scientific Calculator User Interface
python3 ./GUI.py
- Click buttons on screen to add operands or numbers to your input.
- Trigonometry functions are default to take radians as input
- Precision was set to three digits behind the decimal point
- See
Amendable Variables
for more details
Scientific Calculator Algorithms
python3 ./parse_tree.py
,python3 ./dp.py
,python3 ./shunting_yard.py
- Each uses algorithms of Parse Tree, Parse Tree + Recursion, and Shunting Yard respectively, see report
for more details
- Each uses algorithms of Parse Tree, Parse Tree + Recursion, and Shunting Yard respectively, see report
Test data generation
python3 ./exp_generator.py
- Generates test data of variety length and complexity:
- Generates test data of variety length and complexity:
Bash Testing
- for Windows
- correctness:
bash evaluation_win.sh
- time:
bash time_evaluation_win.sh
- correctness:
- for MacOs/Ubuntu
- correctness:
bash evaluation_macOs.sh
- time:
bash time_evaluation_macOs.sh
- correctness:
- for Windows
(python3 ./parse_tree.py
, python3 ./dp.py
, python3 ./shunting_yard.py
Input and output filenames: go to
if__name__ == 'main'
and change variabledefault
parser.add_argument("--input", type=str,default='./correctness/correct_1.txt',help="Input file root") parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default='./ouput_1.txt', help="Output file root")
Amend angle units: go to
class Calculator
and changeself.angle
for degrees, andFalse
for radiansclass Calculator def __init__(self): self.angle = True self.rnd_to = 3
Amend output perciion: go to
class Calculator
, the default value is 3
此專案以三種不同的演算法建置工程計算機: Parse Tree, Parse Tree + Recursion, Shunting Yard
Tools and Packages
- python standard library (math, time, random, argparse)
- numpy
- pygame
- python 3.8以上 (windows.macOS.Linux均可,須有對應bash檔案)
python3 ./GUI.py
- 進入GUI計算機頁面,操作與一般計算機相同,使用滑鼠點按即可
- 程式預設: 三角函數輸入單位為度數、精準度為小數點後第三位,可調整
python3. /shunt_yard.py
python3 ./parse_tree.py
,python3 ./dp.py
,python3 ./shunting_yard.py
- 分別對應 Parse Tree, Parse Tree + Recursion, Shunting Yard 演算法,詳情見技術報告說明
python3 ./exp_generator.py
- 產生長度、複雜度相異的input.txt
bash 測試
- for Windows
- correctness:
bash evaluation_win.sh
- time:
bash time_evaluation_win.sh
- correctness:
- for MacOs/Ubuntu
- correctness:
bash evaluation_macOs.sh
- time:
bash time_evaluation_macOs.sh
- correctness:
- for Windows
(python3 ./parse_tree.py
, python3 ./dp.py
, python3 ./shunting_yard.py
調整輸入輸出檔案名稱: 至
if__name__ == 'main'
參數parser.add_argument("--input", type=str,default='./correctness/correct_1.txt',help="Input file root") parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default='./ouput_1.txt', help="Output file root")
調整輸入角度: 至
class Calculator
為弧度 (限三角函數)class Calculator def __init__(self): self.angle = True self.rnd_to = 3
調整輸出精準度: 至
class Calculator
,預設值為 3