A bioacoustics research project.
You might need the following dependencies.
# Install Poetry for package management
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
# Install dependencies for librosa
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1 ffmpeg
# Install all dependencies specified in the poetry configs
poetry install
Running poetry install
installs all Perch dependencies into a new virtual environment, in which you can run the Perch code base. To run the tests, use:
poetry run python -m unittest discover -s chirp/tests -p "*test.py"
Alternatively, you can install and run this project using a container via Docker. To build a container using the tag perch
, run:
git clone https://github.com/google-research/perch
cd perch
docker build . --tag perch
After building the container, to run the unit tests, use:
docker run --rm -t perch python -m unittest discover -s chirp/tests -p "*test.py"
To build the BIRB evaluation data, after installing the chirp
package, run the following command from the repository's root directory:
poetry run tfds build -i chirp.data.bird_taxonomy,chirp.data.soundscapes \
soundscapes/{ssw,hawaii,coffee_farms,sierras_kahl,high_sierras,peru}_full_length \
The process should take 36 to 48 hours to complete and use around 256 GiB of disk space.
For details on setting up the benchmark and evaluation protocol, please refer to this brief readme with instructions. The evaluation codebase is in perch/chirp/eval.
This is not an officially supported Google product.