This is an amazon sdk repo used currently for ecs.
- ruby-all-dev
- zlib1g-dev zip
- build-essential
- aws-sdk
- net-ssh -v 2.9.3.beta1 (in windows) or net-ssh (unix)
- net-scp
- nokogiri
- mixlib-shellout
- redis
- rubocop - is a good choice for reformatting. not a must.
You can generate documentation by running "rdoc" at the root directory for this repo, at the root and viewing index.html.
- you will need to create an authentication.json file with the secret key data for this project to work.
- you need a setting.json specific to the environment you're working in.
Running all tests is simple, ruby test/test_all.rb
You can also run a specific test by using it's own file name.
If you're writing a test, make sure to include it in the test_all.rb
It is also possible to run an informative test with the -v
tag at the end.
Scripts are mentions here.
service file explained here. How to setup your infrastructure explained here.