Code night V3.0 hackthon is an inter faculty hackthon which organized annually by faculty of Applied Sciences at Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. This website is fully featured and responsive website that used Firebase as backend. There is an android app:iphone: which developed parallely with this website and sync all data using same firebase real-time database.
- CSS3
- Javascript & JQuery
- Bootstrap
- Firebase(backend and database)
- Used firebase database to store hackthon teams' data.
- Verify team leader's email when register to prevent registering teams by using team leader's email which already on the database using firebase and javascript.
- Data input validations for all forms in frontend(JQuery) and backend(PHP).
- Navbar link press after auto scroll the webpage to relevant section.
- Used same firebase database for the website and the android app.
- Website -
- Android app -