- python setup.py bdist_wheel
Create Binary Distribution Files - pip install -e .
Install the package locally, but not replicating the file, -e will just link the existing files - pip install -e .[dev]
Packages required only for the development of the package can be installed by executing this command - **pip freeze > requirements.txt ** Once all the project is done, execute the command in the virtual environment - Will create a requirements file all the packages installed.
- To publish
- python setup.py sdist
- install check-manifest
- check-manifest --create
- git add MANIFEST.in
- python setup.py sdist
- python setup.py bdist_wheel sdist
Please also refer to the guidelines for commit messages.
We are using Sphinx to create documentation of the package 'national-identity'.
Follow reStructuredText
to write the documentation inside the python modules.
Example: Please refer the file ./scripts/DocumentationReference.py
You need to install the Sphinx package from PyPi
Pre-requisite: pip install Sphinx
Create a HTML Document
- sphinx-apidoc -o . ../scripts/
- cp modules.rst index.rst
- make html
- firefox _build/html/index.html
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.coverage', 'sphinx.ext.napoleon']
Sphinx Configuration Documentation
Sphinx Docstrings Example
Once your code is tested, compile Sphinx and create a document. If documentation is created without any errors create a Pull Request.
- All the modules/methods/classes/parameters/properties MUST have descriptions
- Naming convention for the methods/functions/variables should be self explanatory
- Subject should have a single sentence summary
- Don't Submit unrelated changes in the same pull request