This API is hosted publicly at
It is a Bitcoin transaction indexer and API for building real-time Bitcoin apps. It uses junglebus to crawl for transactions and transforms them with bmapjs. It automatically prunes transactions 24h old. It runs two processes:
A crawler and indexer that saves transaction data into a MongoDB database.
A REST API supporting BitQuery syntax.
"find": {
"": ""
It then provides support for a number of known OP_RETURN protocols making queries nicer:
"find": {
"BITPIC.paymail": "[email protected]"
For a full list of what protocols are supported see
It also makes working with the results from your frontend much friendlier
let res = await fetch("");
let j = res.json();
console.log("Got tx", j[0].tx.h, "app:", j[0];
Using the same query syntax you can listen for changes:
var sock = {
"MAP.type": {"$in": ["post","message"]},
"sort": {
"blk.t": -1
var sock_b64 = btoa(JSON.stringify(sock))
var socket_url = ''+sock_b64
// socket
bmapSocket = new EventSource(socket_url)
bmapSocket.onmessage = function(e) {
var res = JSON.parse(
if (res.type === 'push') {
// do something with
Docker & Docker-Compose
Install dependencies
Start the app (make sure your env vars are set first)
yarn start
Build the image
docker build -t chronos-api.
Start the app `bash docker-compose up
### Configuration
`config.js` hold config values.
Set the `from` value to the block to begin indexing.
#### Install MongoDB
To run locally you will need mongodb installed.
See their [installation guide](
# Config
Set the following environmental variables:
- `CHRONOS_MONGO_URL` A connection string to your mongo database. ex: mongodb://localhost:27017/bmap when running locally, or mongodb://mongo:27017/bmap from within a container.
# Run
node index
With BitQuery you can search in all sorts of ways.
- Set a timestamp in the expected format.
let timestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000 - 86400);
- Search for records since that timestamp:
"v": 3,
"q": {
"blk.t": { "$gt": <timestamp> }
This API returns data in BMAP format which is a derivative of BOB: BMAPjs