Chia Plot Manager for Windows, written in Perl
The Chia Plot Manager analyses the previous logfiles to calculate optimum timings for staggering and parallel plotting and also displaying the progress.
It allows to fully automate your plotting machine for unattended, parallel plotting with maximum efficiency.
Originally, this tool was not intended to be published. But as I was asked for it, I'll provide it "as is".
If you find it useful, you are welcome to tip me a beer in Chia:
or: PayPal
You'll need a Perl enviroment under Windows.
I recommend Strawberry Perl
install the needed modules via command line with:
cpan -i Date::Calc
cpan -i Term::ANSIColor
cpan -i LWP::Simple
cpan -i Win32::DriveInfo
You'all also need the pslist.exe from Microsoft's free PsTools
Just copy the pslist.exe in the same directory as
Edit to your needs.
start the Plot Manager with: perl