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Developer Setup Guide

zachbonagura edited this page Aug 10, 2024 · 8 revisions

For this setup guide, we will be using IntelliJ IDEA and GitHub Desktop. You can use other IDEs such as Eclipse and Visual Studio Code and stick to using the command line for Git, but we prefer using IntelliJ IDEA and GitHub Desktop.

Note: The old developer setup guide set up everything entirely within IntelliJ. While this does work, we found that developers who were new to Git and Java often confused the workflow process because they thought anything they did within the IntelliJ IDE was Java-related. We found the best way to mitigate this confusion was to have these developers do all the Git operations within GitHub Desktop and all the Java coding within IntelliJ IDEA.

If you don't want to use GitHub Desktop and prefer to do everything within IntelliJ, please refer to the old developer setup guide. However, if you do choose to follow the old developer setup guide, please still follow the Setting Up checkstyle within IntelliJ section in the new developer setup guide as it is important and not present within the old setup guide.

Installing IntelliJ IDEA

Visit the following page to download IntelliJ IDEA:

There are two versions of IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and IntelliJ IDEA Community. You can see the differences between the Ultimate and Community versions on the installation page. For LEGUP development, the Community edition is all we will need, since we will never make use of the features present in the Ultimate version. However, if you are a student and you still want to get the Ultimate version (as well as other IDEs, such as PyCharm, by JetBrains) for free, visit the following page to apply for a free educational license:

Installing GitHub Desktop

Visit the following page to download GitHub Desktop:

To set up GitHub Desktop, follow Parts 1 and 2 of the Getting started with GitHub Desktop guide. Part 3 is about contributing to projects and adding and cloning repositories, but this setup guide will walk you through this process for LEGUP.

Forking the Repository

Most of the work you will doing will be in your forked repository. Follow the following steps to fork the main repository:

  1. Go to the the main LEGUP repository:
  2. Press the "Fork" button on the top right side of the page.
  3. When forking, uncheck the box saying to fork from the default branch only; dev work should be done on the dev branch then pushed into the dev branch of the original LEGUP


Downloading the Project

Once the link to your forked version has been copied, you must clone it onto your computer.

Navigate to your fork, click the green "Code" button, and then click on "Open in GitHub Desktop". After a few moments, GitHub Desktop should open and prompt you to clone the repository. The repository URL should already be filled in and the local path should, by default, be C:\Users\your_username\Documents\GitHub\Legup. You can change this local path if you want, but we don't recommend it. Click on the "Clone" button to clone the repository. Click on "Fetch Origin" to fetch from your fork.

The one operation that GitHub Desktop cannot do is syncing your forked repository with the upstream repository. For information on how to do that, please refer to GitHub's tutorial on syncing a fork.

Opening the Project within IntelliJ

After opening IntelliJ, click on the "Open" button. Navigate to C:\Users\your_username\Documents\GitHub\Legup (or if you changed the path in the previous step, whatever path you changed it to) and open the folder. After a few moments, IntelliJ should open the project up.

In the bottom right hand corner, a popup will appear saying that it found a Gradle script. Gradle is a tool used by LEGUP to build the code. Press the "Import Gradle Project" button. After about a minute, IntelliJ will import the Gradle commands needed for LEGUP.

To verify that everything worked, press the "Project" button on the left sidebar followed by the "LEGUP" button (this shows you all the files and folders in the LEGUP project). Your window should look similar to this:

Running LEGUP

To run LEGUP, you must build the project into a .jar file and then run the newly made file.

Using IntelliJ, go to the Gradle window on the right side and run Legup > Tasks > build > jar. A terminal should appear at the bottom of the screen, and after a few minutes the terminal should print Task execution finished 'jar' (if the task never finishes successfully, you need to do some debugging). On the code navigation window, navigate to Legup/build/libs.

NOTE: If the Legup.jar file or the build folder does not appear after running the jar file, try running the buildNeeded and buildDependants files (in that order)

Right click the Legup.jar file and then press "Run 'Legup.jar'" to launch your build of LEGUP.

Update Work Directory

After running LEGUP, you will be presented with the home screen. At the top left, you will see a "Settings" menu button. Select that button, and click the "Preferences" option in the drop-down menu. Once you are in preferences, you will see at the top your "Work Directory." For convenience, you can change this directory to "C:\Users(your_username)\Documents\GitHub\Legup\puzzles files" directory to always have the puzzle files directory opened first, instead of having to manually go through the folders each time you run LEGUP.

Setting Up checkstyle within IntelliJ

Installing the CheckStyle Plugin

Within IntelliJ, click on File > Settings. After the settings dialog pops up, click on "Plugins" on the menu on the left side. Go to the marketplace and search for "CheckStyle-IDEA" and install the plugin. The item within the marketplace should look like the attachment below:


After installing the plugin, click on File > Settings. After the settings dialog pops up, click on "Tools" on the menu on the left side and then click on "Checkstyle". By default, there should be two default configuration files: "Sun Checks" and "Google Checks".

Click on the "+" button to add a configuration. Set the description field to "Legup". Select "Use a local Checkstyle file". Browse for the LEGUP checkstyle file. From the repository root, the path for the LEGUP checkstyle file should be .idea/checkstyle-idea.xml.

Testing Your CheckStyle Setup

At the bottom of IntelliJ, you should have seen a bar that includes options such as "Git", "Run", "TODO", "Problems", and more. "CheckStyle" should now also be added to those options. Click on "CheckStyle", and then set the active configuration to "Legup". On the left, click on "Check Project" to check the entire project. You'll be able to see all the problems with your code formatting after the check is complete.


In order to fix any issues with your formatting, the easiest way to do this is to right click the LEGUP source folder and click "Reformat Code". This will reformat the all the code within the repository to meet the CheckStyle standards.

Additionally, in the future, as you code, you can use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+L to reformat the file you are working on.


There is a chance that after reformatting, you may still see a bunch of problems if you run CheckStyle. For whatever reason, IntelliJ does not seem to import the entire CheckStyle file correctly.

To fix this, download this attachment: This contains LegupDefault.xml, which we will be using in the upcoming steps.

Within IntelliJ, go to File > Settings. Then, in the pop up menu, go to Editor > Code Style > Java. Click on the little gear icon, then click on "Import Scheme > IntelliJ IDEA code style XML". Navigate to where you downloaded and unzipped LegupDefault.xml and click on it. Then, select "Apply". Now, when you reformat the code and then run Checkstyle, you should not have any problems.

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