Tags: BrandwatchLtd/kafka-pod-autoscaler
Toggle v0.15.2's commit message
chore(deps): dependabot 20230926 (#123 )
Toggle v0.15.1's commit message
fix: don't scale when a deployment has been not-ready recently (#108 )
Toggle v0.15.0's commit message
feat: support min and max replica counts on spec (#107 )
Toggle v0.14.1's commit message
chore: Add dependabot groups and bump plugins (#109 )
Toggle v0.14.0's commit message
feat: allow consumer rate to be set as a constant on the kafka trigger (
#101 )
Toggle v0.13.5's commit message
fix: change tags on ConsumerGroupStats metrics (#100 )
Toggle v0.13.4's commit message
fix: allow different window size for the topic rates (#96 )
Toggle v0.13.3's commit message
fix: default consumer rate to the final calculated target rate (#95 )
Toggle v0.13.2's commit message
fix: don't record consumer rate if offsets haven't been committed rec… (
#94 )
Toggle v0.13.1's commit message
fix: add surefire plugin to POM (#93 )
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