#Start Server
npm install
npm run build
npm start
#Exercise-1 Rendering React to DOM
Create folder called Components within the client folder. Inside of components folder, create a file called App.jsx and build out a functional react component in that file that renders "Hello from App" onto the DOM.
#Exercise-2 Creating a Functional Component in React
Inside of your App component, create an input field. Build out some functionality that will allow you to see what your typing in real time in the console.
#Exercise-3 Add Another Component
Inside your components folder, create another component called List.jsx. Build out functionality that will allow you to add a string from App to render in List. Then build functionality to add multiple strings to an array and render from List.
#Exercise-4 Dynamic Rendering
Create another functional component called Task.jsx in your components folder. Develop some functionality that will render all the elements stored in the array in List.jsx to the page using Task.jsx.
#Exercise-5 Delete Functionality
Add a delete functionality to Task.jsx so that if the task is clicked, you can remove it.
#Exercise-6 Edit Functionality
add edit functionality to Task.jsx so that if the task is clicked, you can edit and replace it.