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ENH: Improve UI to assign camera and radiograph file orders
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Changes include some reordering of the UI to better match the order of
the config v1.1 file format.

Co-authored-by: Amy M Morton <[email protected]>
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sbelsk and amymmorton committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent 469c550 commit dc97ba1
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Showing 2 changed files with 260 additions and 49 deletions.
138 changes: 123 additions & 15 deletions AutoscoperM/
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Expand Up @@ -212,14 +212,20 @@ def setup(self):

# Pre-processing Library Buttons
self.ui.volumeSelector.connect("currentNodeChanged(vtkMRMLNode*)", self.onCurrentNodeChanged)
# segmentation and PV generation
self.ui.tiffGenButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onGeneratePartialVolumes)
self.ui.configGenButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onGenerateConfig)
self.ui.segGen_segmentationButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onSegmentation)
self.ui.segSTL_importModelsButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onImportModels)
self.ui.loadPVButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onLoadPV)
# config generation
self.ui.populateCameraCalListButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onPopulateCameraCalList)
self.ui.stageCameraCalFileButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onStageCameraCalFile)
self.ui.populateTrialNameListButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onPopulateTrialNameList)
self.ui.stageTrialDirButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onStageTrialDir)
self.ui.populatePartialVolumeListButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onPopulatePartialVolumeList)
self.ui.populateCameraCalListButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onPopulateCameraCalList)
self.ui.configGenButton.connect("clicked(bool)", self.onGenerateConfig)

# Default output directory
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,18 +525,38 @@ def onGenerateConfig(self):
raise ValueError("Invalid paths")

def get_checked_items(listWidget):
checked_items = []
for idx in range(listWidget.count):
item = listWidget.item(idx)
if item.checkState() == qt.Qt.Checked:
return checked_items
def get_staged_items(listWidget):
staged_items = []
for row in range(listWidget.count):
item = listWidget.item(row)
widget = listWidget.itemWidget(item)

# try to find the label of this item
label = widget.findChild(qt.QLabel) if widget else None
if not label:
raise ValueError(f"Could not extract item label from list at index {row}")

# extract filenames from UI lists, and use them to construct the paths relative to mainOutputDir
# FIXME: don't assume the list of camera files is given in the same order as list of radiograph root dir!
camCalFiles = [os.path.join(calibrationSubDir, item) for item in get_checked_items(camCalList)]
trialDirs = [os.path.join(radiographSubDir, item) for item in get_checked_items(trialList)]
return staged_items

# extract filenames from UI lists, and use them to construct the paths relative to mainOutputDir.
# NOTE: We rely here on the order of the files as constructed by the user in the UI. The order of items
# in the staged camera files list and the radiograph root dirs list are expected to match.
camCalFiles = [os.path.join(calibrationSubDir, item) for item in get_staged_items(camCalList)]
trialDirs = [os.path.join(radiographSubDir, item) for item in get_staged_items(trialList)]

if len(camCalFiles) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid inputs: must select at least one camera calibration file, but zero were provided."

if len(trialDirs) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid inputs: must select at least one radiograph subdirectory, but zero were provided."

if len(camCalFiles) != len(trialDirs):
raise ValueError(
Expand All @@ -539,6 +565,14 @@ def get_checked_items(listWidget):

def get_checked_items(listWidget):
checked_items = []
for idx in range(listWidget.count):
item = listWidget.item(idx)
if item.checkState() == qt.Qt.Checked:
return checked_items

partialVolumeFiles = [os.path.join(tiffSubDir, item) for item in get_checked_items(partialVolumeList)]

if len(partialVolumeFiles) == 0:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -750,7 +784,7 @@ def onPopulateTrialNameList(self):
Populates trial name UI list using files from the selected radiograph directory
with slicer.util.tryWithErrorDisplay("Failed to compute results.", waitCursor=True):
self.populateListFromOutputSubDir(self.ui.trialList, self.ui.radiographSubDir.text, itemType="dir")
self.populateListFromOutputSubDir(self.ui.trialCandidateList, self.ui.radiographSubDir.text, itemType="dir")

def onPopulatePartialVolumeList(self):
Expand All @@ -764,7 +798,7 @@ def onPopulateCameraCalList(self):
Populates camera calibration UI list using files from the selected camera directory
with slicer.util.tryWithErrorDisplay("Failed to compute results.", waitCursor=True):
self.populateListFromOutputSubDir(self.ui.camCalList, self.ui.cameraSubDir.text)
self.populateListFromOutputSubDir(self.ui.camCalCandidateList, self.ui.cameraSubDir.text)

def populateListFromOutputSubDir(self, listWidget, fileSubDir, itemType="file"):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -803,6 +837,80 @@ def populateListFromOutputSubDir(self, listWidget, fileSubDir, itemType="file"):

def onStageCameraCalFile(self):
Adds selected items from the camera calibration list to the staged files list
with slicer.util.tryWithErrorDisplay("Failed to compute results.", waitCursor=True):
self.stageSelectedFiles(self.ui.camCalCandidateList, self.ui.camCalList)

def onStageTrialDir(self):
Adds selected items from the radiograph subdirectories list to the staged subdirs list
with slicer.util.tryWithErrorDisplay("Failed to compute results.", waitCursor=True):
self.stageSelectedFiles(self.ui.trialCandidateList, self.ui.trialList)

def stageSelectedFiles(self, candidateListWidget, listWidget):
Stages chosen files into listWidget based on the selected items
in candidateListWidget which contains all candidate file names
# gether checked items from the input candidate list
checked_items = []
for idx in range(candidateListWidget.count):
item = candidateListWidget.item(idx)
if item.checkState() == qt.Qt.Checked:

if len(checked_items) == 0:
raise ValueError("No items were selected.")

def stagedItemExists(itemText):
# iterate over the list items and see if item with the given label already exists
for row in range(listWidget.count):
item = listWidget.item(row)
widget = listWidget.itemWidget(item)
if widget:
# extract label to compare the text in the item
label = widget.findChild(qt.QLabel)
if label and label.text == itemText:
return True
return False

# stage all selected items if they're not already in the target list
for file in checked_items:
if not stagedItemExists(file):
# create item widget with text and a delete button
itemBaseWidget = qt.QWidget()
itemLayout = qt.QHBoxLayout()
itemLabel = qt.QLabel(file)
itemDeleteButton = qt.QPushButton("Delete")

# set styling attributes to make it look nice in the UI
itemLayout.setContentsMargins(3, 1, 3, 1)
itemDeleteButton.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum, qt.QSizePolicy.Fixed))

# add spacing so that the delete button is always aligned to the right
itemLayout.addItem(qt.QSpacerItem(0, 0, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Minimum))
itemWidget = qt.QListWidgetItem(listWidget)
itemWidget.setFlags(itemWidget.flags() & ~qt.Qt.ItemIsSelectable)

# finally, add the composite widget as an item to the list
listWidget.setItemWidget(itemWidget, itemBaseWidget)

# add delete functionality to the button
lambda checked, item=itemWidget: listWidget.takeItem(listWidget.row(item))
else:"Skipped adding the item '{file}' as it already exists in the target list.")

# AutoscoperMLogic
Expand Down

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