A tool to validate namespace
- https://www.slideshare.net/MicheleOrselli/comunicare-condividere-e-mantenere-decisioni-architetturali-nei-team-di-sviluppo-approcci-e-strumenti
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/access-modifiers#:~:text=Class%20members%2C%20including%20nested%20classes,from%20outside%20the%20containing%20type.
- https://wiki.php.net/rfc/namespace-visibility
and for fun ...
Allow to improve the information hiding at level of namespace Like C#/Java pubblic/private class. The idea is that namespace in some situations can be private at all except for a specific entry point. For example the namespace of third parts lib.
- No instanceof
- No switch
- No static
- Minimize the @var annotation
- [] Review the db namespace
- [] Remove psalm-suppress
- [] Remove psalm minor issues
- [] Adds mode DISCOVER_CONFIG, so for each lib that in the
node of composer.json declares the visibility settings of the namespace lib, it can perform the validity in autonomy
- Adds command to build conflicts graph
Trought the json configuration it's possible define
"version": "0.1.0",
"start-path": "src",
"composer-json-path": "./",
"public-entries": [],
"private-entries": [],
- mode
default mode, in this setup only a private namespace it's validated - mode
private vendor
in which each access of vendor namespace trigger a violation if was not added public namespace.
composer require --dev brucegithub/namespace-protector
Adds this to composer.json
"repositories": [{
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/brucegithub/namespace-protector-phar.git"
composer require --dev brucegithub/namespace-protector-phar --no-cache "dev-main"
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/namespace-protector brucedockerhub/namespace-protector:0.1.0 create-config
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/namespace-protector brucedockerhub/namespace-protector:0.1.0 validate-namespace
vendor/bin/namespace-protector create-config
vendor/bin/namespace-protector validate-namespace
➜ namespace-protector git:(master) ✗ vendor/bin/namespace-protector validate-namespace
|Dump config:
|> Version: 0.1.0
|> Cache: FALSE
|> Plotter: plotter-terminal
|> Path start: tests/Stub/RealProject/src
|> Composer Json path: ./
|> Mode: PUBLIC
|> Private entries:
| >NamespaceProtector\Common\
| >NamespaceProtector\Scanner\
| >PhpParser
|> Public entries:
Load data...
Loaded 3 files to validate
Loaded 5031 built in symbols
Start analysis...
Processed file: tests/Stub/RealProject/src/NamespaceProtectorProcessorFactory.php
> ERROR Line: 7 of use PhpParser\NodeTraverser
> ERROR Line: 8 of use PhpParser\ParserFactory
> ERROR Line: 14 of use NamespaceProtector\Scanner\ComposerJson
> ERROR Line: 16 of use NamespaceProtector\Common\FileSystemPath
> ERROR Line: 19 of use NamespaceProtector\Scanner\FileSystemScanner
Processed file: tests/Stub/RealProject/src/Analyser.php
> ERROR Line: 8 of use NamespaceProtector\Common\PathInterface
Processed file: tests/Stub/RealProject/src/EnvironmentDataLoader.php
> ERROR Line: 8 of use NamespaceProtector\Scanner\ComposerJson
Total files: 3
Total errors: 7
Elapsed time: 0.68148
Example of output in png format.
➜ vendord/bin/namespace-protector validate-namespace plotter-png
For now it is a lab but...