Attention! This program can ONLY control Android TVs! To do this, the application and the TV must be in the same local network!
The application scans your network and connects to the found android TV.
It happens that the first attempt fails to find the TV, try pressing the search button again.
At the moment, the remote control has all the basic control capabilities, such as volume control, channel switching, menu calling and turning off the TV.
Download the executable file for your platform from the release page and enjoy =)
# Clone project
git clone
# Create and activate virtual venv
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run app
pip install pyinstaller # or pip install auto-py-to-exe for use gui
pyinstaller --noconfirm --onedir --windowed --icon "./resources/icon32.ico" --hidden-import "zeroconf._utils.ipaddress" --hidden-import "zeroconf._handlers.answers" "./"