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Migration to Github

Mael Rouxel-Labbé edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 1 revision

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Since the 5th of March 2015, the Git repositories of the CGAL project are hosted on GitHub.

Create a GitHub account

The first step is to create a GitHub account as described here.

Migration Procedure for Regular Developers

We describe here the procedure to migrate a repository that was using ssh://[email protected]/var/git/cgal.git as url for the origin remote and ssh://[email protected]/var/git/cgal-gsoc.git as url for the gsoc remote. If you have only one remote choose the correct one (cgal-public-dev if you are a student or cgal-dev if you are a regular developer).

Rename your origin remote to cgal-dev and update its url:

 cd ~/CGAL/git/cgal #where your git clone is locate on your disk git remote rename origin cgal-dev git remote set-head cgal-dev integration git remote set-url cgal-dev [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-dev.git git fetch --all --prune 

Rename your gsoc to cgal-public-dev and update its url:

 git remote rename gsoc cgal-public-dev git remote set-url cgal-public-dev [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-public-dev.git 

Master is no longer writable for regular developers. You need to setup a new remote to access it:

 git remote add cgal [email protected]:CGAL/cgal.git 

and set the tracking branch of your local master branch:

 git fetch cgal git branch --set-upstream-to=cgal/master master # for git < 1.8: git branch --set-upstream master cgal/master 

The command git remote -v should now show the following:

    $ git remote -v
    cgal    [email protected]:CGAL/cgal.git (fetch)
    cgal    [email protected]:CGAL/cgal.git (push)
    cgal-dev        [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-dev.git (fetch)
    cgal-dev        [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-dev.git (push)
    cgal-public-dev   [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-public-dev.git (fetch)
    cgal-public-dev   [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-public-dev.git (push)

You can now fetch all the remotes at once with:

 git fetch --all 

Migration Procedure for Student Developers

Rename your origin to cgal-public-dev and update its url:

 cd ~/CGAL/git/cgal #where your git clone is locate on your disk git remote rename origin cgal-public-dev git remote set-head cgal-public-dev -d git remote set-url cgal-public-dev [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-public-dev.git git fetch --all --prune 

Master is not writable. You need to setup a new remote to access it:

 git remote add cgal [email protected]:CGAL/cgal.git 

and set the tracking branch of your local master branch:

 git fetch cgal git branch --set-upstream-to=cgal/master master # for git < 1.8: git branch --set-upstream master cgal/master 

The command git remote -v should now show the following:

    $ git remote -v
    cgal    [email protected]:CGAL/cgal.git (fetch)
    cgal    [email protected]:CGAL/cgal.git (push)
    cgal-dev        [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-dev.git (fetch)
    cgal-dev        [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-dev.git (push)
    cgal-public-dev   [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-public-dev.git (fetch)
    cgal-public-dev   [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-public-dev.git (push)

You can now fetch the two remotes at once with:

 git fetch --all 

Migration Procedure for Web Developers

Rename your origin to cgal-web and update its url:

 cd ~/CGAL/git/cgal #where your git clone is locate on your disk git remote rename origin cgal-web git remote set-url cgal-web [email protected]:CGAL/cgal-web.git 

Verify all is good:

 git fetch --all 

New procedure to merge a branch into master

We now use pull requests.

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