A simple weekly scheduler with 3 schedules per day
The users can set their weekly schedule with this app.This app uses a Json file for storing the users schedules to avoid useage of a database. Landing screen just displays users schedules and by navigating to next sceen the user can edit their schedules. Provider package is used for the state management.The app uses googleFonts and needs internet for the first time to fetch the fonts.
- The project is developed in Flutter Channel stable, version 2.5.3.
- The project is build and tested on two physical devices, Android 9 and Windows 11 and is confrimed to work as expected.
- Android Stuio IDE was used for coding the app.
- Android compileSdkVersion 30
- Android minSdkVersion 16
- Android targetSdkVersion 30
The release version of the app can be found in the folder named "apk". Screenshots can be found in the folder named "screenshots".