PyConA ( is a python-based, open-source package for Constraint Acquisition (CA). In CA, the goal is to assist the user in modeling Constraint Programming (CP) problems, by learning the constraints through user interaction.
PyConA is based on the powerful CPMpy Constraint Programming and Modeling library in python (, which is used for modeling the constraint problems.
Currently, only interactive CA methods are implemented in PyConA; passive CA methods might be added later.
In interactive CA, the system interacts with an Oracle, which can be a human user or a software system. The CA system asks queries and based on the answers of the oracle it either learns or excludes constraints.
PyConA is a generic CA library implementing a range of interactive CA methods, using the following modules:
- Interactive CA Algorithm: The top-level algorithm to be used.
- Query Generation: The query generation system to be used to generate top-level queries.
- FindScope: The FindScope system to be used for finding the scope of violated constraints.
- FindConstraint: The FindConstraint system to be used for finding the exact violated constraints in the given scopes.
A detailed presentation of CA methods can be found at:
The repository has implemented various approaches and methods from the literature:
- Algorithms: QuAcq [1-2], MQuAcq [3-4], MQuAcq-2 [5], GrowAcq [6], P-QuAcq[7], G-QuAcq [8]
- Query Generation: TQ-Gen [9], PQ-Gen [6]
- FindScope: FindScope [1], Findscope-2 [2, 4]
- FindC: FindC [1], FindC-2 [2]
- ML-based CA system and query generation objectives from [10]
git clone -b main
You can install pycona through pip
pip install pycona
In PyConA, the ProblemInstance class represents the instance of the problem the user wants to acquire the constraints for. It must be initialized with the variables of the problem and a language. A CA system is then used to acquire the constraints. A CA system uses a CA environment to configure its options. PyConA currently implements only interactive CA algorithms (module .active_algorithms).The core of interactive CA systems is the AlgorithmCAInteractive class. This is subclassed with different algorithms presented in the literature.
- Introductory Example
- Comparing different algorithms and methods
- Prediction-based CA system
- CP24 Tutorial Demo
Coming soon