This project aims to develop an feature embedding extractor tailored to the domain of coral reef bioacoustic and soundscape audio recordings using self seupervised learning (SSL).
The high level workflow:
- Train SimCLR using Pytorch on recordings of coral reefs from 19 locations/countries
- Extract the ResNet50 backbone from this model and asses the utility of embeddings from this using 6 held out datasets:
- Fish sound vs ambient background in Kenya
- 7x Fish sound classes in Bermuda
- Motorboat sound vs ambient background in Florida
- Bomb fishing vs ambient background in Indonesia
- Healthy vs degraded reefs in Australia
- Deep v mesophoptic reefs in French Polynesia
- Performance of this embedding on these tasks was compared to three benchmarks:
- ResNet50 embedding pretrained on ImageNet
- VGGish audio embedding
- Fully trained supervised ResNet50's on each task (SSL should never be expected to exceed this)
- These benchmarks were compared using:
- F1 scores from random forests trained on each task each using the three embedding approaches were compared, alongside F1 scores from the supervised ResNet's (note not all supervised ResNet's are training stably yet)
- For embeddings only UMAP dimensionality reduction was performed (to 10 dims) and these reduced embeddings were clustered using affinity propagation. The fidelity of clusters to true classes was then assesed using chi-sq.
- 2D UMAPs were also plotted with each embedding.
SimCLR running scripts To train SimCLR training:
- Go to /code/simclr-pytorch-reefs folder
- Run: python --config configs/reefs_configs.yaml
- This uses the reef_config.yaml where params can be set
To train supervised ResNets:
- This is to get a baseline as to what the upper limit using a fully trained neural net on each tasks is. This can be used to see how the RF’s trained on the embedding do against the supposed upper limit
- Go to evaluation folders
- To run all on some fixed params, use
- ./
- This is a .sh script that sets some params that get passed to each config yaml for each test dataset (evaluation /stored in multiple_config_runs). Further params can be set in these yamls
- I also found batch size was important for some datasets (I think mainly FP and Aus which needed low batch size), so tested running this using a batch size sweep:
- ./
Needs further tidy up
|-- code
| |-- notebooks # notebooks for development
| | |-- embedding_extractor # more dev notebooks
| `-- simclr-pytorch-reefs
| |--
| |-- colabs
| | |-- model_apply.ipynb
| | `-- read_logs.ipynb
| |-- configs # for simclr runs
| | `-- reefs_configs.yaml
| |-- environment.yml
| |-- environment_old.yml
| |-- evaluation # for running benchmarks
| | |--
| | |-- check_mycustomdataset.ipynb
| | |-- config_eval.yml
| | |-- embeddings
| | | |-- ImageNet_embedding_extractor.ipynb
| | | |-- ReefCLR_embedding_extractor.ipynb
| | | |-- Results
| | | | |-- RF_results-20230831_005133.csv
| | | | `-- chisq_results-20230830_231034.csv
| | | |-- VGGish_embedding_extractor.ipynb
| | | |-- cluster.ipynb
| | | |-- raw_embeddings
| | | | |-- #csv's of embeddings for ReefCLR, ImageNet and YAMNet
| | | `-- simple_ml.ipynb
| | |--
| | |--
| | |-- log_metrics
| | | |-- # csv's of metrics from supervised resnets
| | | |-- find_best_runs.ipynb
| | | `-- plot_curves.ipynb
| | |--
| | |-- model_states
| | | `-- config.yaml
| | |-- model_states_i2map_simclr
| | |-- multiple_config_runs
| | | |-- #configs for each test dataset
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
| | `--
| |-- logs
| |-- models
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
| | `--
| |-- myexman
| |--
| `-- utils
|-- data
| `-- dataset.json