Brief project description.
- api: Contains API-related logic, including request and response handling.
- config: Configuration-related files.
- constants: Constants used throughout the project.
- controller: Controllers that handle business logic.
- dal: Data Access Layer for interacting with the database.
: DAL files for different entities.
- docs: Documentation files.
: (Description of this file)swagger.json
: Swagger documentation files.
- main.go: Entry point of the application.
- model: Data models.
- scripts: Shell scripts.
- server: Server-related logic.
: Logic related to the server.
- utils: Utility functions.
➜ go mod download
➜ sudo apt install sqlite3
➜ sqlite3 --version
3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54 3bfa9cc97da10598521b342961df8f5f68c7388fa117345eeb516eaa837balt1
➜ go run main.go
➜ go build
Step 2: Run Golang Service
➜ ./project-starter