A collection of settings and dot files for my things!
Copy the dot files to the root directory. Copy keybindings.json
& settings.json
to the VS Code directory.
sudo apt-get install vim
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
- Git clone vundle
git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
- Make sure I have copied over my
- Install plugins from command line -
vim +PluginInstall +qall
The location of the VS Code settings in linux:
- :emojisense:
- BracketPair Colorizer 2
- C#
- Code Spell Checker
- Code Time (Thinking of this to replace Wakatime)
- ESLint
- Error Lens
- GitLens
- LaserWave
- markdownlint
- Material Icon Theme
- Peacock
- REST Client
- SQL Server(mssql)
- Vim
- vscode-styled-components
- Wakatime
Plugins that maybe I like but I am just testing out:
- DotENV
- Draw.io Integration
- TabNine
It's a thought. Have a look at this page, Carlie.
code --list-extensions
code --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools
code --uninstall-extension ms-vscode.csharp
and looking at the call
keyword, although that mentions a .bat
script. Ooh, I'm excited, I'm going to do this when I make time.
This is so cool, I love this and couldn't survive without the emoji
Instructions for installation in the github, but at this point in time just need to click my emoji header up there ⬆️ and that will lead to installation 😀 🎉
Install via npm:
npm install --global git-open