This is C++ implementation of generic Hash table which uses linear probing to resolve collisions. This solution is inspired the standard C++ unordered_map & Boost unordered_map implmentation. This was a side-project. Obviously, this is not even close to being production ready.
Declare your custom hash function based on input data type
struct MyHashCompute {
size_t operator()(const string &key, const int &hashSize=1000) const
return std::hash<std::string>() (key) % hashSize;
Declare your custom hash function
MyHashMap<std::string,int,MyHashCompute> hmap(5);
Use customary hash functions
res = hmap.set("coursera",2012);
res = hmap.set("airware",2011);
val = hmap.get("coursera");
val = hmap.get("flipboard"); \\ raises exception
val = hmap.delete_key("coursera");
For more documentation, refer here.