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Releases: ChrisBuilds/terminaltexteffects

v0.12.0 - Color Parsing

17 Feb 02:32
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Color Parsing

Three new effects, support for 8/24-bit ANSI color sequences, background color support, and more easing functions.

[0.12.0] - 2025-02-16


New Features (0.12.0)

New Effects (0.12.0)

  • Highlight - Run a specular highlight across the text. Highlight direction, brightness, and width can be specified.
  • Laseretch - A laser travels across the terminal, etching characters and emitting sparks.
  • Sweep - Sweep across the canvas to reveal uncolored text, reverse sweep to color the text.

New Engine Features (0.12.0)

  • Background color specification is supported throughout the engine. Methods which accept Color arguments expect a
    ColorPair object to specify both the foreground and background color.
  • New EventHandler.Action: Action.RESET_APPEARANCE will reset the character appearance to the input character with
    no modifications. This eliminates the need to make a Scene for this purpose.
  • Existing 8/24 bit color sequences in the input data are parsed and handled by the engine. A new TerminalConfig
    option --existing-color-handling is used to control how these sequences are handled.
  • easing.eased_step_function() allows easing functions to be used generically by returning a closure that produces an
    eased value based on the easing function and step size provided when called.
  • A new easing function has been added which returns a custom easing fuction based on cubic bezier controls.
  • Added custom exceptions.

Changes (0.12.0)

Effects Changes (0.12.0)

  • Spotlights - The maximum size of the beam is limited to the smaller of the two canvas dimensions and the minimum size
    is limited to 1.
  • Spray - Argument spray_volume is limited to 0 < n <= 1.
  • Colorshift - --loop has been renamed --no-loop. Looping the gradient is now default.
  • All effects which apply a gradient across the text build the gradient mapping based on the text dimensions regardless
    of the canvas size. This fixes truncated gradients where parts of the gradient map were assigned to empty coordinates.
  • Some effects support dynamic handling of color sequences in the input data.
  • Blackhole - Star characters changed to ASCII only to improve supported fonts.

Engine Changes (0.12.0)

  • Frame rate timing is enforced within the BaseEffectIterator when accessing the frame property, rather than within the
    Terminal on calls to print(). This enables frame timing when iterating without requiring the use of the terminal_output() context manager.
  • The frame rate can be set to 0 to run without a limit.
  • Removed unused method Segment.get_coord_on_segment().
  • Activating a Path with no segments will raise a ValueError.
  • base_effect.active_characters was refactored from a list to a set.
  • Bezier curves are no longer limited to two control points. Any number of control points can be specified in calls to
    Path.new_waypoint(), however, performance may suffer with large numbers of control points along unique paths.
  • Caching has been implemented for all geometry functions significantly improving performance in cases where many
    characters are traveling along the same Path.
  • Reorganized the most common API class imports up to the package level.
  • Moved the SyncMetric Enum from the Animation module top level into the Scene class.
  • Scene.apply_gradient_symbols() accepts two gradients, one for the foreground and one for the background.

Bug Fixes (0.12.0)

Effects Fixes (0.12.0)

  • VHSTape - Fixed glitch wave lines not appearing for some canvas/input_text size ratios.
  • Fireworks - Fixed launch_delay set to 0 causing an infinite loop.
  • Spotlights - Fixed infinite loop caused by very small beam_width_ratio values.
  • Overflow - Fixed effect ignoring --final-gradient-direction argument.

Engine Fixes (0.12.0)

  • Fixed Color() objects not treating rgb colors initialized with/without the hash as equal. Ex: Color('#ffffff') and Color('ffffff')
  • Gradients initialized with a tuple of steps including the value 0 will raise a ValueError as expected. Ex: Gradient(Color('ff0000'), Color('00ff00'), Color('0000ff'), steps=(4,0))
  • Fixed infinite loop when a new scene is created without an id and a scene has been deleted resuling in the length of the scenes dict corresponding to an existing scene id.
  • Fixed Canvas center calculations being off by one for odd widths/heights due to floor division.
  • Fixed Gradient.get_color_at_fraction rounding resulting in over-representing colors in the middle of the spectrum.
  • Gradient.build_coordinate_color_mapping signature changed to required full bounding box specification. This allows the effect to selectively build based on the text/canvas/terminal dimensions and reduces build time by by reducing the map size when possible.
  • Adds a call to ansitools.dec_save_cursor_position after each call to ansitools.dec_restore_cursor_position to address some terminals clearing the saved data after the restore.

Other (0.12.0)

  • Fixed Canvas width/height docstrings and help output to correctly indicate 0/-1 matching terminal device/input text.

v0.11.0 - Enter the Matrix

19 Jun 02:44
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Enter the Matrix

New effect and major Canvas overhaul.

[0.11.0] - 2024-06-18


New Features (0.11.0)

New Effects (0.11.0)

  • Matrix effect. Matrix digital rain effect with that ends with a final curtain and character resolve phase.

New Engine Features (0.11.0)

  • Canvas is now arbitrarily sizeable. (-1 matches the input text dimension, 0 matches the terminal dimension)
  • Canvas can be anchored around the terminal.
  • Text can be anchored around the Canvas.
  • Canvas new attributes text_[left/right/top/bottom] and text_width/height and text_center_row/center_column.
  • Version switch (--version, -v)

Changes (0.11.0)

Effects Changes (0.11.0)

  • Slice effect calculates the center of the text absolutely rather than by average line length.
  • Print effect no longer moves the print head to the start of each line, only back to the first character on the next line.
  • Many effects were updated to support anchoring within the Canvas.

Engine Changes (0.11.0)

  • Performance improvements to geometry functions related to circles. (10.0.1)
  • Gradient's support indexing and slicing.
  • EffectCharacter objects no longer have a symbol attribute. Instead, the Animation class has a new attribute
    current_character_visual which provides access to a symbol and color attribute reflecting the character's current
    symbol and color. The prior EffectCharacter.symbol attribute was unreliable and represented both a formatted and
    unformatted symbol depending on when it was accessed. In addition, the color attribute is now a Color object and the
    color code has been moved into the _color_code attribute.
  • EffectCharacter objects have a new attribute is_fill_character: bool.

Effects Fixes (0.11.0)

  • Fixed swarm effect not handling the first swarm (bottom right characters) resulting in missing characters in the
    output. (10.0.1)

Other (0.11.0)

  • Keyboard Interrupts are handled gracefully while effects are animating.

Swarm Effect BugFix

11 Jun 11:04
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Give the Cow back its legs.

[0.10.1] - 2024-05-29
