the version for encrypt sip trace in freeswitch.log
- enable console level in mod_logfile configuration.
<configuration name="logfile.conf" description="File Logging">
<!-- true to auto rotate on HUP, false to open/close -->
<param name="rotate-on-hup" value="true"/>
<profile name="default">
<!-- File to log to -->
<param name="logfile" value="/usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log"/>
<!-- At this length in bytes rotate the log file (0 for never) -->
<param name="rollover" value="524288000"/>
<!-- Maximum number of log files to keep before wrapping -->
<!-- If this parameter is enabled, the log filenames will not include a date stamp -->
<param name="maximum-rotate" value="32"/>
<!-- Prefix all log lines by the session's uuid -->
<param name="uuid" value="true" />
name can be a file name, function name or 'all'
value is one or more of debug,info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert,all
Please see comments in console.conf.xml for more information
<!-- the console level must be included here!! -->
<map name="all" value="console,info,notice,warning,err,crit,alert"/>
- enable sip trace feature in the file of sip_profile. both of files conf/sip_profiles/external.xml and conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml
<param name="sip-trace" value="true"/>
run the command below
# compile
make mod_logfile
# install
make mod_logfile-install
the content between "sip:" and "@" will be replaced by "*"
here is the example:
INVITE sip:**********@ SIP/2.0
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "8966434525" <sip:********@>;tag=XgBrrrDUc5a8r
To: <sip:***********@>