Now that you have created an image, you can run a container.
Run the container. This installs the latest version of the agent, configures it, and runs the agent. It targets the Default
pool of a specified Azure DevOps or Azure DevOps Server instance of your choice:
docker run -e AZP_URL=<Azure DevOps instance> -e AZP_TOKEN=<PAT token> -e AZP_AGENT_NAME=mydockeragent cgot/linux-dockeragent:latest
Optionally, you can control the pool and agent work directory by using additional environment variables.
Environment variable | Description |
AZP_URL | The URL of the Azure DevOps or Azure DevOps Server instance. |
AZP_TOKEN | Personal Access Token (PAT) with Agent Pools (read, manage) scope, created by a user who has permission |
AZP_AGENT_NAME | Agent name (default value: the container hostname). |
AZP_POOL | Agent pool name (default value: Default ). |
AZP_WORK | Work directory (default value: _work ). |
Find all details here: