New release v2.6.0
Minor Changes:
- Add Azure Cloud site support to mso_schema_site_contract_service_graph
- Add Azure Cloud site support to mso_schema_site_service_graph
- Add functionality to resolve same name in remote and local user.
- Add l3out_template and l3out_schema arguments to mso_schema_site_external_epg (#394)
- Add mso_schema_site_contract_service_graph module to manage site contract service graph
- Add mso_schema_site_contract_service_graph_listener module to manage Azure site contract service graph listeners and update other modules
- Add new parameter remote_user to add multiple remote users associated with multiple login domains
- Add support for replacing all existing contracts with new provided contracts in a single operation with one request and adding/removing multiple contracts in multiple operations with a single request in mso_schema_template_anp_epg_contract module
- Add support for replacing all existing static ports with new provided static ports in a single operation with one request and adding/removing multiple static ports in multiple operations with a single request in mso_schema_template_anp_epg_staticport module
- Add support for required attributes introduced in NDO 4.2 for mso_schema_site_anp_epg_domain
- Support for creation of schemas without templates with the mso_schema module
- Fix TypeError for iteration on NoneType in mso_schema_template
- Fixed the useg_subnet logic in mso_schema_template_anp_epg_useg_attribute
Detailed changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0