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Pull requests: CitiesSkylinesMods/TMPE

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Pull requests list

Overhauled icons & adjusted UI
#1761 opened Dec 19, 2023 by mrmaffen Loading…
Slightly reduced memory footprint of API structs and enums enhancement Improve existing feature performance Make it faster!
#1732 opened Mar 16, 2023 by krzychu124 Draft
Improve segment end state detection and calculation accuracy in the leaving the segment decision making awaiting feedback More information required confirmed Represents confirmed issue or bug enhancement Improve existing feature PRIORITY SIGNS Feature: Stop / Yield / Priority signs STABLE TM:PE STABLE branch TEST TEST version of the mod / workshop page TRAFFIC LIGHTS Feature: Traffic lights - toggle, timed, etc Vehicle Behavior Vehicle behavior related issue
#1730 opened Mar 10, 2023 by krzychu124 Draft
set options as default for new game Dependent This issue is blocked by another issue. serialization load/store data in memory or on disk Settings Road config, mod options, config xml
#1705 opened Dec 2, 2022 by kianzarrin Draft Planned stuff
save options in xml format Blocking Another issue depends on this issue. Dependent This issue is blocked by another issue. serialization load/store data in memory or on disk Settings Road config, mod options, config xml
#1704 opened Dec 2, 2022 by kianzarrin Loading… Planned stuff
UI subtools code upgrade
#1652 opened Sep 24, 2022 by kvakvs Draft
ExtNetInfo class for lane grouping feature A new distinct feature LANE ROUTING Feature: Lane arrows / connectors
#1598 opened Jun 9, 2022 by Elesbaan70 Loading…
Junction restrictions hook API API for external mods code cleanup Refactor code, remove old code, improve maintainability JUNCTION RESTRICTIONS Feature: Junction restrictions
#1579 opened May 22, 2022 by Elesbaan70 Loading…
New persistence strategy lifecycle related to the loading process like enabling/disabling/loading/reloading/load order/hot reload serialization load/store data in memory or on disk
#1559 opened May 7, 2022 by Elesbaan70 Draft
[Draft] High resolution UI textures Toolbar The main TMPE toolbar UI User interface updates Usability Make mod easier to use
#1525 opened Apr 9, 2022 by kvakvs Draft
10 tasks
Replace CheckLane() with extensions code cleanup Refactor code, remove old code, improve maintainability DO NOT MERGE YET Don't merge this PR, even if approved, until further notice
#1461 opened Mar 9, 2022 by originalfoo Draft
Basic support for Airports DLC DESPAWN TOOLS Feature: Clear traffic, toggle despawn, vehicle/parked/cim despawns feature A new distinct feature Harmony LANE ROUTING Feature: Lane arrows / connectors PATHFINDER Pathfinding tweaks or issues PRIORITY SIGNS Feature: Stop / Yield / Priority signs SPEED LIMITS Feature: Speed limits Vehicle Behavior Vehicle behavior related issue VEHICLE RESTRICTIONS Feature: Vehicle restrictions
#1458 opened Mar 5, 2022 by krzychu124 Draft
4 of 7 tasks
Updated compatibility checker code cleanup Refactor code, remove old code, improve maintainability COMPATIBILITY Mod (in)compatibility / checker EXTERNAL Mod conflict or other external factor ⏸Paused Paused for now technical Tasks that need to be performed in order to improve quality and maintainability UI User interface updates Usability Make mod easier to use
#699 opened Feb 13, 2020 by originalfoo Draft
23 of 31 tasks
Not Applicable
Junction Lane Arrows Editor rework with preview discussion Contains debate on certain topics enhancement Improve existing feature LABS TM:PE LABS branch LANE ROUTING Feature: Lane arrows / connectors Overlays Overlays, data vis, etc. STABLE TM:PE STABLE branch UI User interface updates
#391 opened Jun 24, 2019 by kvakvs Draft
8 of 10 tasks
UI improvements
ProTip! What’s not been updated in a month: updated:<2025-01-18.