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Quick Start

Clouder0 edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Quick Start

Start using the tool in an instant.


Download binary release here.

For non-Windows/Linux users, only script version is available, see Installation for more information.


Keep Anki running so that the tool can work properly.

Move the AnkiLink file to anywhere you like, and the open terminal(cmd on Windows).

Create a for testing in the same directory.

# Temp File Test


In the terminal, type:

./AnkiLink-linux(or ./AnkiLink-win.exe)

Check your Export deck in Anki, where the card should have shown.

You can also try to drag the file to AnkiLink in your file manager and see what will happen.
On windows, this method is equal to execute ./AnkiLink.exe in the terminal.

For more usage, see Config.

Note Structure

Here is how you should write your notes.

A quick example:

This is a question.
This is an answer.

Single line question.
Multiple line answer.
The first line of this block is recognized as the question.

Multiple line question is <br> possible somehow.
too hacky maybe.

markdown rendering is supported.
- use a list!
    - or something like that.

Clozes are **easy** to **create** too.

For detailed information, see NoteStructure.

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