Cobo Safe is an on-chain access-control framework for smart contract wallets.
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Install python requirements.
cd cobosafe
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
# Import the network configuration.
brownie networks import ./network-config.yaml True
# Run the test
brownie test
# Run forge test
git submodule init
# Or you can install lib with forge
# forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@v4.8.0
# forge remappings > remappings.txt
forge test
Read the documents here.
Head to learn more about Cobo Safe and Cobo Argus at Cobo Developer Hub.
All smart contracts are released under LGPL-3.0.
For any concerns with the protocol, open an issue or visit us on Discord to discuss.
For security concerns, please email