The Music App is a React application where users can stream music, add songs to wishlist and select and buy songs.
At the start of the app an option to sign up or log in will be presented to the user
On the main dashboard, users will be presented with a search bar to look for their favorite songs and add to them to the shopping cart or mark them in wishlist
this is a React app with use of:
More information about the libraries used for this project DOCS
Styled-components together with material-ui Redux Toolkit for app-wide state management Axios for HTTP requests React-Router for client-side routing Jest for testing Mirage.js for mocking requests for dev/test environments And also some local dev tooling and continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tooling:
Husky + Lint-staging for ensuring linting and formatting happens on each commit Prettier for consistent formatting ESLint for catching syntax errors Github Actions for running linting and formatting on each PR push.
Contributors for the development of The Music App are