BrowserQuest was a HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment setup in 2012 by the Mozilla project. The project was not being maintained or updated, the website went down some of the dependencies disappeared from Node Package Manager. The javascript language also had major changes in 2016 which created issues. And everything just stopped working.
I wasn't able to find a good running version or instructions on how to set this up that still worked anywhere. The goal of this repository fork was to restore the old code. There is now a stable version that works, and through docker it has all of the dependencies frozen in time. It can be deployed on a local Docker container with the instructions below.
To deploy it to a live server, the only other step you you will need to do is change the IP addresses in the client/config folder to the IP in your server. See the client directory readme for further instructions.
To run the program on a local machine with Docker type:
docker container run -it -p 80:80 -p 8000:8000 coloradostark/browserquest bash
You will see a command prompt, type the following:
node server/js/main.js &
The server is now running. Now Open a new command prompt session and then type the following:
docker container exec -it YOUR-CONTAINER-ID-NUMBER bash
nvm use 10.23.0
cd /
http-server -p 80 ./BrowserQuest/client
That is all you need to do. It should be running and you can test it by typing in the browser.
More documentation on getting a production server running is located in client and server directories.
Code is licensed under MPL 2.0. Content is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
2020 Restoration and Port to Docker by:
- Colorado Stark- Colorado Stark
Original Project Created by Little Workshop:
- Franck Lecollinet - @whatthefranck
- Guillaume Lecollinet - @glecollinet