This is a basic demo for putting a machine learning model that has been trained with a neural net into production. It addresses the basic challenge that the inputs and outputs of a tensorflow model are not human readable.
The source code will build a flask API that runs tensorflow, numpy, scikit and will talk to a pre-trained saved Tensorflow Model. It will convert Images to Tensors for the requests, and convert Tensors to Strings for the response. So instead of sending and receiving N-Dimensional arrays with thousands of numbers you can just make requests that look like this:
Tested with a trained model on the Fashion MNIST dataset. The Jupyter Notebook used to train the model, and the exported trained model are in the repository.
- Run the docker image and forward port 5000
docker run -p 5000:5000 coloradostark/fashion:0.08
- Make a post request to this URL
with a JSON body like this
"img_url" : ""