Conduction's design tokens theme
Version 1.1 (breaking changes from 1.0.x)
- 1.1.42: Added Migrato theme.
- 1.1.41: Added Ede theme.
- 1.1.40: Added Tilburg tokens to Rotterdam theme.
- 1.1.39: Added v1 version of BCT theme.
- 1.1.38:
- Added Lansingerland theme.
- Updated navigation tokens in Hof van Twente theme.
- Updated navigation tokens in Gouda theme.
- Updated link tokens in all themes.
- 1.1.37: Updated font-sizes in Roosendaal theme.
- 1.1.36: Added Hof van Twente theme.
- 1.1.35: Added FormField, FormLabel, Data-list and Process-step tokens to all other themes.
- 1.1.34:
- Added Moerdijk theme.
- Added FormField, FormLabel, Data-list and Process-steps to conduction theme.
- 1.1.33: Added FormField, FormLabel, Data-list and Process-step tokens to Leiden theme.
- 1.1.32: Updated logo's in various themes.
- 1.1.31: Updated Conduction logo.
- 1.1.30: Updated logo from url to data: in all themes.
- 1.1.29:
- Added Calender tokens to all themes.
- Added Utrecht checkbox tokens to all themes.
- Added spotlicht-section tokens to all themes.
- 1.1.28: Added Gooise Meren theme.
- 1.1.27: Updated logo in Zupthen theme.
- 1.1.26: Updated logo in Roosendaal theme.
- 1.1.25: Added Roosendaal theme.
- 1.1.24: Updated logo in Dimpact theme.
- 1.1.23:
- Added utrecht Calendar and Checkbox tokens to Leiden theme.
- Updated Leiden theme.
- Updated logo in Open-Webconcept theme.
- 1.1.22:
- Added skip-link tokens in all themes.
- Added focus tokens in all themes.
- Refactored all font-sizes from px to rem in all themes.
- 1.1.21: Fixed minor css parse errors.
- 1.1.20: Updated Open-Webconcept logo.
- 1.1.19: Fixed hex color code in Open-Webconcept theme.
- 1.1.18: Removed empty variables in all themes.
- 1.1.16 / 1.1.17: Updated Open-Webconcept logo.
- 1.1.14 / 1.1.15:
- Added postinstall to package.json.
- 1.1.13:
- Updated Sloterburg primary color.
- Updated Conduction form-input placholder color.
- Removed dist folder from all themes.
- 1.1.12: Added dist folder to all themes.
- 1.1.11: ReAdded Zuiddrecht theme.
- 1.1.10: Removed Zuiddrecht theme.
- 1.1.9: Removed warnings in Zuiddrecht theme.
- 1.1.6 / 1.1.7 / 1.1.8: Added Zuiddrecht theme.
- 1.1.5: Added Gouda theme.
- 1.1.4:
- Added disabled Button tokens in all themes.
- Updated Navigation tokens in all themes.
- 1.1.2 / 1.1.3: Added Sloterburg theme.
- 1.1.1: Added Zutphen theme.
- 1.1.0: Removed old Conduction, Leiden and XXLLNC theme files.
Version 1
- 1.0.62:
- Updated themes to NL-Design repo.
- Added publiccode.
- 1.0.61: Updated OpenCatalogi theme tokens.
- 1.0.60:
- Removed opacity token from tooltip tokens in all themes.
- Added OpenCatalogi theme based on Rotterdam theme.
- 1.0.59: Updated radio-button tokens in Rotterdam theme.
- 1.0.58: Added radio-button tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.57: Added navbar to logo tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.56:
- Added DownloadCard tokens to all themes.
- Added Checkbox tokens to all themes.
- Added DataBadge/Badge tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.55: Added CommongGround theme.
- 1.0.54:
- Added ToolTip tokens to all themes.
- Added OpenCatalogi Rating tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.53: Added Conduction Logo tokens.
- 1.0.52:
- Updated table tokens for Noordwijk theme.
- Added Footer content tokens to all themes.
- Updated breadcrumb tokens for Conduction theme.
- 1.0.51: Added mobile tokens to footer-background-image in all themes.
- 1.0.50: Updated select tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.49: Updated Table-row hover color in Noordwijk theme.
- 1.0.48: Updated Page-Footer tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.47: Updated Pagination tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.46:
- Added border-collapse to table in all themes.
- Added table row hover and updated footer in Epe theme.
- 1.0.45: Updated card-header border-bottom width for Epe theme
- 1.0.44:
- Updated card-header border bottom and logo with in Epe theme.
- Updated font-sizes in Noaberkracht theme.
- Added table row hover color in Noordwijk theme.
- 1.0.43: Updated breadcrumb tokens and added navigation tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.42: Added Utrecht Separator tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.41: Added Dimpact theme.
- 1.0.40: Added Open Webconcept theme.
- 1.0.39: Added breadcrumb tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.38:
- Added table-wrapper-tokens to all themes.
- Updated tabs tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.37: Updated all themes to correct way of working.
- 1.0.36: Added Badge-counter and Tabs tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.34 / 1.0.35: Rotterdam theme fix.
- 1.0.33: Added Rotterdam theme.
- 1.0.32: Added Pagination tokens for: Conduction, Dinkelland, Epe, Leiden, Noaberkracht, Noordwijk, Tubbergen and XXLLNC.
- 1.0.31: Added surface tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.30: Added Noaberkracht theme.
- 1.0.29:
- Added extra select tokens to all themes.
- Updated table tokens in noordwijk theme.
- Updated card-header tokens in epe theme.
- 1.0.28: Fixed conduction-card-header tokens for epe theme.
- 1.0.27:
- Added conduction-card-header tokens in all themes.
- Updated conduction-card-wrapper tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.26:
- Added Noordwijk theme.
- Updated conduction-card-wrapper tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.25:
- Updated prefix of card tokens from
in all themes. - Moved all custom tokens from Conduction directory to utrecht/extra-tokens directory.
- Added readme to all themes.
- Updated prefix of card tokens from
- 1.0.24:
- Updated page tokens in all themes.
- Updated list tokens in all themes.
- Updated table tokens in all themes.
- Updated card tokens in all themes.
- 1.0.23: Added Epe theme.
- 1.0.22: Updated footer and header logo's for xxllnc, Leiden and Dinkelland themes.
- 1.0.21:
- Added custom header and footer logo code to all themes.
- Set custom icon code from Utrecht to Conduction directory in all themes.
- Set custom textbox and form-input code from Utrecht to Conduction directory in all themes.
- Set custom alert code from Utrecht to Conduction directory in all themes.
- Fixed blockquote tokens not building for xxllnc and Leiden theme.
- 1.0.20:
- Set color tokens of all themes in ascending order.
- Added Dinkelland theme.
- 1.0.19:
- Added build all command.
- Removed unused dist folders.
- 1.0.18:
- Added gitingore.
- Added Tubbergen theme.
- 1.0.17:
- Removed gitignore.
- Fixed alert warning colors in xxllnc theme.
- 1.0.16: Added Leiden theme as JSON format.
- 1.0.15: Added Conduction theme as JSON format.
- 1.0.14: Added xxllnc theme as JSON format.
- 1.0.13: Added secondary button styling for all themes.
- 1.0.12: Implemented Select Single styling in xxllnc and Leiden.
- 1.0.11: Fixed typo and added page-content-background-color token to Conduction theme.
- 1.0.10:
- Added document-backgroundcolor to all themes.
- Added buttonIconGap token to Conduction and Leiden themes.
- Added formField, cards and Conduction overwrite tokens to Conduction and Leiden themes.
- Added link-text-decoration tokens to xxllnc theme.
- 1.0.9: Added buttonIconGap token to xxllnc theme.
- 1.0.8: Added formField, cards and Conduction overwrite tokens to xxllnc theme.
- 1.0.7: Added button tokens to all themes.
- 1.0.6: Added xxllnc theme.
- 1.0.5: Added page-max-inline size to Conduction theme.
- 1.0.4: Added Leiden theme.
- 1.0.3: Updated sizes.
- 1.0.2: Added Aldritch font.
- 1.0.1: Added Conduction theme.
- 1.0.62: