A marketplace for students/groups to find creative and challenging projects to work on. Projects will be provided by industry engineers.
- Common Forms/Styling Across Site (Harris)
- Alert Messages
- Alert Messages for non-authentication modules (Harris)
- Authentication Module (Naman)
- Change Password
- Password Reset (sending email)
- Student Model
- Teacher Model
- Engineer Model
- Project Module (Harris)
- View Projects List
- View Project
- Create Project (Name, Description)
- Company Module (Jacob)
- University Model (Jacob)
- Course Model (belongs to University)
- Groups Module
- Create Groups
- Add Users to Groups
- List Groups your in
- List members in group
- Advanced Group Profiles (Strengths, Weaknesses)
- Student Profile (Major, Year, Skills, Experience Resume, etc)
- Teacher Profile (Contact Info)
- Engineer Profile (Alma Mater, About, Contact Info, etc)
- Inter-Model Associations
- Student + Group (Student manytomany Group)
- Group + Project (Group manytoone Project)
- Student + University (Student belongsTo University)
- University + Class (Class belongsTo University)
- Engineer + Company (Engineer manytomany Company)
@harrischristiansen (http://www.harrischristiansen.com)
@dunbarj (http://www.jacobfdunbar.com)